Chapter 2

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This cute guy was sitting next to me and his head turned towards me. (note the photo above)

Everything about him screams ATTRACTIVE ASF.

My eyes widen and my heart pounds. I look away quickly and I stared at the wall to the right of me.

You're dumb asf girl you would rather stare at the wall than stare at him?

I winced at the thought.

I slowly turn my head to the left.

Is he still staring at me?

His brown eyes stare into mine.

"OKAY!" Mr. Nam yells and I jump, "I'm going to hand out a review of Pre Calculus 12. Take one and pass it on."

He walks to every row and passes out the papers. I grab the papers and leave two for me and this guy next to me. I turn around and hand the worksheet to the guy's friend.

He had light brown hair, and dark brown eyes. A huge bandaid covering his right cheek. He stared at his phone that rested against his grey binder. He noticed the worksheet's presence and looked up at me.

"Thanks, babe," his deep voice said softly. He took the papers, winked at me, then smirked.

I quickly turn around and blush.

Damn.. Day one of school and I'm already surrounded by hotties!

I glance over at the cute guy sitting next to me. He was already working on the review worksheet.

Ugh we love a hardworking king.

I look at the worksheet in front of me and I sigh. I don't remember anything from last year! I tried to work on the first question, but I got stuck immediately. I dart my eyes on the guy's sheet.

Jimin Park

That's his name. I see that he's already on the back page. It'll be so embarrassing for me to ask him for help on the first question.

I sigh and suck it up. "Hey," I start as he turns his head towards me.

"I'm Kana. Nice to meet you." I flash him a smile and stick out my right hand.

He looks at it and back at me. He moves his work sheet to the farthest side of his desk and continues to work on the worksheet.

I drop my hand on my lap and my mouth hangs open.

Really? I feel disrespected. I don't like this guy no more.

I turn around to Jimin's cute friend.

"Hey, I'm Kana!" I smile and say.

He looks up from his phone. "I'm Aleksandr."

"Just wondering, have you started on the worksheet yet?" I ask.

"Nah... I'm not gonna do jack shit." He chuckles.

I nervously laugh and turn back around.

I look over at Jimin once again. He sits back in his chair while on his phone.

Let's try this again.

I tap his arm. He looks over at me.

"Can I quickly see your worksheet?" I smile sheepishly.

He sits up and looks over at my blank worksheet. Then he looks in my eyes again and chuckles to himself. Suddenly, his poker face appeared quickly.

He slides his sheet over to my desk and went back to his phone.

I smile to myself and look at the paper.


He showed no work but just wrote down the answers. I stare at it for quite a while.

I turn to look at him, not knowing that he was watching me the whole time, our eyes met.

"Where's your work?" I ask desperately.

He points to his head and he winks.

I scoff and slowly blush as he went back on his phone.

Damn.. I can't stand this guy... I give up.

I put on my hood once again and put my head on my arms again. I decide to sleep until the class ends. My eyes slowly close and I drift off the sleep.



The bell rings. As my head is still down, I listen to students getting up from their chair and leaving the classroom.

I hear footsteps coming towards me and they tap on my desk loudly.

"What's your name?" I recognize this voice, it's Mr. Nam's voice.

"Kana," I say through my hoodie with my voice muffled.

"Kana, get up, it's lunch time."

"Please, 5 more minutes," I beg.

"No, I need to eat lunch as well. Plus, I need all students out of this classroom so I can lock the door." Mr. Nam explains.

I raise my head and lean back on my chair. I rub my tired eyes.

"Wow, you did a lot of work," Mr. Nam says.

"Hm?" I look down at my desk. I see the worksheet questions and shown work of the answers. I didn't do this.


"C'mon, Kana. Get outta here."

I quickly swing my backpack on one of my shoulder and I grab the loose sheets of paper. I power walk out of the class.

"See ya, Mr. Nam!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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