Chapter 3

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 I broke apart from the hug and chuckled at her reaction. "Really?? I knew you're just kidding!" She said cheerfully. "No, It's true----Might as well use your time wisely Shiraline."

"Oh fuck!" She rushed to her seat and pulled out a random notebook with panicking hands.

I approached her and stood beside her seat. "Science notebook."

She looked down at the notebook that she grabbed then smirked, "I'm awesome."

I ruffled her hair and looked at Jeffrey.

He stared at me with no expression. "Do you want to seat down?" he asked as he went to a chair near the window.

 I said goodbye to Sheraline then rushed to Jeffrey and sat down beside him. "Did you study for the test today?" I questioned if he did and he shook his head.

"No, but I'll be taking the test next week." He replied as he stared into my eyes. I stared back and sigh. "Because you're absent last week?" I pouted and he chuckled.

"Teach me?" He said with a pleading eyes

"oh no." I covered my eyes but still peeking through while he makes a cute face.

He gradually went closer to my face. Suddenly, the bell rings and a teacher came in.

"Good morning class, I know you're taking the test today—"

"Is it postponed?"

"—No it is not cancelled. Instead, be ready and speak French."

"Oui monsieur" The whole class replied and the teacher immediately started distributing test papers.

"Monsieur Jeffrey, Vous ne faites pas le test aujourd'hui, alors n'hésitez pas à faire ce que vous voulez. Je vais vous faire passer un test spécial et ne parlez à aucun de vos camarades de classe. Je vous remercie." (Mister jeffrey, You are not taking the test today so feel free to do what you want. I'll be giving you a special test and don't talk to any of your classmates. Thank you.)

Once I received my paper, I gave a quick glance at Jeffrey too see what he was doing. There he is, scrolling through his phone sneakily but I felt someone staring at me. I made eye contact with sheraline and I gave her a 'you can do it' look. I chuckled and started answering the test with full focus.

After 1 hour, I was done with the test and glanced around to see that everyone is either answering our thinking. I stood up slowly, hoping not to make any noise but my chair scraped against the floor with aloud noise.

Instantly gaining the attention of my peers and they stared at me with a tired look. I stared at them back and confidently approached the teacher while holding my paper. "Merci mademoiselle de rochefort."(Thank you, Miss Re Rochefort) He smiled

"Je trouve ça vraiment facile" (I find it really easy) I said i walked back to my desk. Relaxing while looking at the ceiling and closed my eyes to sleep.

"Hey." I can feel someone poking me.

"Five more minutes..." I groaned 

"Class is already done." 

I didn't reply and still didn't open my eyes. Suddenly, I felt a hot breath on my left ear.

"Wake up----"

"Fine fine."  I opened my eyes to see sheraline looking at me with a smug smile and Jeffrey's face close to mine. I blushed and immediately stood up, facing both of them. 

"I'll leave you guys to do your thing." Sherline winked at me and waved while walking out of the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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