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6 months later

As soon as Singto came home, he dashed to the living room and turn on TV.
- Good, I am on time.
Singto sighed.
MC introduced 'Obsius' name to the audience. The audience let out a cheer when the band came on to the stage.
Singto sat down on sofa watching the screen smiling. Once their performance starts, he forget to blink his eyes.
When their performance finished, a cheer went up from the crowd.

- WOW, they are really good.

After Obsius won the band battle tournament, they climb up to the stardom blink of an eye. The consists of group members attract people with their songs : Funny and good looking guitarlist OFF, Cool and super technician bassist Tay and Handsome drummer Krist.
They captured girls heart and band boys admiration. Especially for Krist, he is a human magnet who attracts both genders. It's hard to resist his angelic beautiful face with flawless white skin, of course his drum technique. In fact, once they start to work at entertainment industry, Krist starts to get so many model offers at the same time. He takes his music more importantly, but sometimes he agrees to do the modeling, too.

Now Obsius is really gone 180 degrees.

OFF and Tay sold their bar to one of their former employee, and graduated from school. Krist is still remain in school, but seems like he is struggling to spare time for studying.
After Singto came back from hospital, he didn't return to school. He just received his diploma at the time of graduation day.
Singto's life haven't changed anything by comparing before the hospitalization, the only difference is two new friends, New and Plusto.
First, Singto was little skeptical about them. Singto thought they came to the hospital out of pity, but they weren't. When he asked them about their feeling, they simply got mad at him. Since then Singto finally got two good friends. Singto feels like blessing. He is surely happier than before even his voice hasn't come back completely.

P'K; Hey, Are you home now?

Singto glanced at the text and smiled.It was from Krist.

Hello, P'Krist. I just saw your performance on TV. It was great.

P'K; I know I am always great. 😏Have you eaten?

Not yet, I will.

P'K; Make sure lock your house, and not to go out after 9:00pm.

WHat the heck! I am not an elementary kids, don't tell me what to do.😡😡😡

P'K; 😂 Sleep tight, bye~.

- What the heck he always treats me like a little kid.
Singto pissed.
He took out some left over from refrigerator and warmed up in microwave, return to in front of the TV.
He glanced at he calendar on the wall while he is munching food.
- Another 4 days. P'OFF and P'Tay will come back. ..Will P'Krist come back, too?


"K-R-I-S-T!! Who did you text ? You look so happy. You smiled a lot."
Tay uses full nelson to him.

"Fuck! stop!"
Krist curses Tay to stop him.
"Ohhh, bad mouth. tell me who? huh? Is this the girl the other day came to our waiting room? Huh?"
Tay said jokingly.

"Huh? Who? I am not telling you! Now,let me go!"
Krist gave him a punch with an elbow.
"Owww, Shit. It's hurting man."
Tay holds his stomach.

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