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I barely knew him.
His age, his name. Nothing.

My face blushes bright red when he passes by.
A shy little smile rises from within me when he says hi.

Every day, but Monday, I see him going to his work.
He merely sees me.
Always smiles and greets me, out of politeness.

When I get close to his work.
I try to not be so obvious.
I like him.
I really do.
But I can't help it.

I, time to time, lock eyes with him.
He smiles.
I smile back, even thought I'm frozen.
I blush.
He continues to work.
He really gets me nervous.

I try to convince myself that he doesn't know I like him.
He probably does.
But he's sweet enough to not mock me for it.
Or stop smiling at me every time he sees me.

He likes the same band I do.
That's how I met him.
He works at a cafeteria.
Everyday I go to buy a tea or a coffee.
Just so I can see him again.

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