The intro

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The doors of SGI were wide open as the first day of school in 2018 was uncovered. The walls were coated a industrial white color with a beautiful mid grey trim. The floors were layered with a beautiful dark grey wooden plank coverage. I had just moved into California on December 24th from LA as my undesisive parents thought that the LA life was not suitable for me. I was only 20 but I had already moved for at least 15 times, every time my parents would say, "Honey, I promise this will be the last time we move okay?" I had gotten tired of that sentence but it wouldn't stop then from repeating it. This time was no expectation...
Oh my! How rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself! Im Madi! Short of Madison. I am just like any ordinary kid addicted to using their phone. Im a single kid, which meant that I would get everything I wanted right? Well... not really... or so it was only in my case... my parents were total jackasses... When I was in 6th Grade, instead of attending my graduation ceremony like the other parents, they decided to go to the disco...
When I got home from graduation, I got a text from my mother saying, "Sup Bitch! You suck! I aint goin home today bitch! Go find ur own f**kin food you bitch!" I was not suprised at my mother's text as she was always using valgers... what I was shock was what she texted me the next morning..."who are you! Bitch! Why does my phone say ur my kid! I dont got no kid! Bitch!" Without quesion she was drunk...
Either that or... (BELL RINGS) the sharp shrilling bell interupted my chain of thoughts. As I became aware of my suroundings, I realised that all the students were gone and the halls were empty. I glanced at my watch only to realise how time had sliped right out of my hand as I was in deep thought. "Miss Allyazer Willston, please come to my office now." The princple annonounced. As I surveyed my surrounding, I found I black sign with a contrasting set of words in white that said "principle office" pointing towards a classy black and white hallway with medium grey lockers lined against the wall. I dashed toward the office as fast as my legs could carry me. As I was about a leap away from the heavenly office with would allow me to be aware of where to go and which classes I had and where, I bumped into two tall, widened shouldered, muscular boys who looked about my age. They were about 9 inches taller than me and were staring at me with a wide smirk on their dark faces which did not see the light. "Where do you think you're going?"The boy whom was shorter than the other hissed. "Can I get to the principle office?" I questioned. I was almost late and I was getting agitated by the boy. "You haven't answered my question yet, loser." The boy said angrily. I rolled my eyes and replied, "and you haven't answered mine." He gave a smirk and said in a somewhat cool tone. "Well played, well played. You may go."

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