Chapter Two - Lost & a little crazy

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Still Sam's POV and he got his car~

Going on a drive to nowhere wasn't the best idea, I have no clue where I am. I'm on road, about to be on a crossroad. Well shit where am I gonna go now.. *thud* SHIT DID I JUST HIT SOMEONE?! I get out of the car to find that it was just an animal, thankfully, don't need to add any more dead people to my list. I think I'm going to stay on the down-low for a while, only kill if necessary and only steal what I need. I get back in the car and I hear a voice I knew I would hear eventually

"Hey, Sam! Miss me?" The lovely hallucination of Lucifer gives me a sick smile

"No, actually. Quite frankly you're annoying" I say only because he's going to try to make me kill again, I know it.

"Oh? I thought you loved our little chats" maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away

"That's not going to work and you know it-- and yes I am inside your head"

"Can't you just go away?"

"Maybe, if you get out of this 'being a serial killer is bad' phase"

"No..I'm done with killing a bunch of innocent people"

"C'mon Sam! Let's kill tonight!"

"Go the hell away"

"No can do, you're stuck with me" Why? Why me?! Maybe I can jus--

"Oh no, finding the real me and pretending  you're okay isn't going to work this time. When I say stuck with me I really mean it. But there is a solution"

"Which would be..?" I'm pretty sure this "solution" doesn't end good for me..

Instead of saying anything he simply made his fingers look like a gun and put it to his throat then made a 'pow' noise, acting like he shot himself. He leaned in and whispered

"That's all you gotta do, pretty easy. Do that and I'm gone forever"

Great the only way I can escape is killing myself. Great

"That's not happening"

"Yes it will, whether it's your choice or not" he says, still close to my face and sounding very sure of himself.

I try to tune him out and just drive but he won't shut the fuck up. Oh! There's a hotel! Finally, there must be a town nearby then but I'll just stay in the hotel. All I have to do is keep my head down and use a fake credit card and maybe I can get some shuteye.

~Sammy got his room n now he's tryna sleep~

Trying to sleep is a little bit difficult when you have someone who won't stop singing 'Stairway to Heaven'. It's been hours and I haven't slept yet, every time I start to fall asleep he does something dramatic like so far

-He screamed a high-pitched, very loud scream a good 2 inches away from my ears

-Surrounded me in fire

-And started shooting things, where he got a gun? I have no idea

(( Author's Note ))

I am actually kinda liking this so far. This fic is literally so fun to write for me, great escape from life

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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