Your first kiss with them

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Your first kiss with Clarke was the night before You we're going to attack Mount Weather and she kept rambling on and on about how much could go wrong so eventually you grabbed the back off her neck and kissed her to shut her up

Your first kiss with Bellamy was after Mount Weather and he thought you had died so he ran up to you and pulled you into the tightest hug before smashing your lips together

Your first kiss with Octavia was after the missile hit and she had to rescue you from a pile of rubble, when she finally got you safe she held you face and gently kissed your lips

Your first kiss with Raven was when she found out Finn had cheated on her so she needed to move on and came storming into you tent pushed you over into the bed and crawled on top of you

Your first kiss with Murphy was after people tired to hang him and he was really angry and you didn't know how to calm him down so you just kissed him and he calmed down immediately

Your first kiss with Lexa was after she got shot ( she survives) you realised how much you love her and walk up to her and gave her a gentle kiss with tears in you eyes cause you thought you had lost her

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