I cant believe this

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That was the best experience of my life I'm glad it was with her


Last night was just amazing I couldn't be happier


That was just great but I can't feel my legs

Keke POV

best night ever but I can't walk

Jacob POV

I look over at keke and she couldn't walk right

Jay: I must have really done it good if you can't walk

Keke: that's not funny I'm really messed up over here

Jay: I'm sorry

Keke: it's okay but imma need a min

Jay: okay

i went to rays room an he got some last night to by the looks of it I left and went down stairs and started watching tv

A few weeks later

I came downstairs and saw keke in the kitchen getting ready to cook she saw me then jumped on me and kissed me then jumped off

Jay: what was that for

Keke: it was a good morning kiss

Jay: I liked it

Keke: I'm sure you did

She started making breakfast when Kay and ray came downstairs all Lovey dovey and clingy they sat down on the other couch next to each other while laying down

Jay: good morning You guys

Ray&kay: goodmorning

Keke: what do you guys want for breakfast

Ray&kay&jay: pancakes

Keke: alright


Keke: I'll get it

Keke picked up the phone and 2 mins later she started crying

Kay: sis what's wrong are you all right

She hung up

Keke: ( calming down but still crying ) mom and John are dead


Kay: omg (starts to cry) what happened

Keke: they were driving In the rain an a big truck came running into them and the both died

(Ray is crying)

Jacob: wow this can't be happening

Keke: I'll be back

Jay: where are you going

Keke: for a run

Everybody: I'm coming to

Keke: okay

We all went outside and turned into wolves then we ran we ran for a long time then we ran to the spot we hung out at with our parents on that cliff over the lake ray an Kay sat on the side but when I look at them ray had rubbed his head on Kay's which was really cute. Keke was really sad the moon passed over and we all howled at it in appreciation of our parents then we headed back home and ray went to Kay's room and I went with keke to hers

Jay: bae are you okay

Keke: I'm fine just sad

Jay: it's okay

We cuddled together and fell asleep


I can't believe that my parents were dead I am so sad but ray is in here with me cheering me up

Ray: it's okay bae atleast you still have me, jada, keke, and jacob

Kay: yeah I do don't I

Ray: yes bae

He kissed me but I quickly broke it when I felt the sudden urge to throw up I ran to the bathroom and threw up with ray following me


Ray: yeah what's wrong...is it sum u ate

Kay: um i hope this isn't wha i think it is

Ray: O.o....

Kay:😑really ray


Kay:ray...I think I'm pregnant

Ray: your what OMG

Kay: I need a pregnancy test

Ray: where do I get 1

Kay: go in my mom bathroom and look in the left cabinet on the mirror their in the green pack

Ray: okay

5 mins later

I did the test but we still had to wait 10 mins

Ray: is it done

Kay: ten more mins

Ray: Bruh I might be a father

Kay: yea...look I understand If u don't wanna be with me anymore

Ray: what why would you say sum like that

Kay: cuz that's what most guys do

Ray: I'm not 1 of those guys if ur pregnant I will promise to always stay by you and the baby's side forever becuz I love you

Kay: ( crying ) I love you to ray

We hugged and then the timer went off we looked at it and...

Kay: I'm

Ray: your

Kay: pregnant

Ray smiled

Ray: I'm gonna be a dad your gonna be a great one to

We kissed and fell alseep

Next morning everybody downstairs

Kay: guys there's sum me and ray have to tell you

Keke&jay: yeah


Keke: OMFG!!!

Kay: ikr

Jay: congratulations bro

Ray: thanks man

We all ate breakfast

Mindless behavior werewolf seriesWhere stories live. Discover now