It Starts

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Pacifica Northwest had just woken up from her peaceful dream only to find out she is still in her personal hell. Her family has been torturing her for years now its only on her birthday she gets any freedom away from home.

Pacifica's point of view

Only three more days from my birthday I'll be 16 and can get my license I can finally get away from this hell hole.

Why did my family have to hit me and yell at me everyday since I was four and to make it worst they make me be snobish and cruel to everybody in Gravity Falls. Just once I want to escape their grasp and act like a normal person maybe like Mabel or Dipper.

Dipper's point of view

Finally today is the day I ask Wendy out I hope she'll say yes. I'm wearing my best clothes to impress her only this time no lists Mabel made me promise that.

I walk down stairs to eat breakfast when I hear Wendy in the gift shop and some one else that sounds familiar. I walk in the gift shop to find out she is talking to Robbie and he is asking her out, and she said yes.

I ran back to the attic and just started crying as hard as I could.

Mabel came up a few minutes later she asked "What's wrong bro bro?" I reply "Robbie asked Wendy out and she said yes."

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