Henry and the Treacle

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Henry was pulling some logs into Knapford when the Inspector came up to him. 

(Toby can be seen passing through.)

"I just wish to inspect your couplings and your parts, Henry," he said. "They might be worn with all the heavy loads you pull." 

"Well, I am one of the strongest engines on Sodor, sir," said Henry. "I'm supposed to pull heavy loads." 

"All the same, Henry, Sir Topham Hatt's orders, and Victor recommended it too. It's just while you're waiting for your all-clear once the Express comes in." 

Henry waited and soon the Inspector was finished. 

"You seem to be in good working order, but don't overstrain yourself, please, Henry," he said. 

"Yes, sir." 

The Fat Controller thanked the Inspector, Gordon came in with his coaches, and Henry was allowed to puff away. 

(Ray can be seen in one of the coaches.) 

Henry pulled along the line with his heavy flatbeds of logs. He was to bring them to the timber mill, and then collect some more from the forest. Then, he had to collect some fresh trees for planting from the yards. 

(He passes through Wellsworth. Edward and Edwina are seen there.) 

Henry soon arrived at the timber mill and the logs were unloaded. Then he set off back to the forest. 

Meanwhile, there was trouble. 

Thomas had bumped on the line and his truck of treacle had come off the track. The treacle had spilled all over the line. 

Thomas had gone to find Harvey to help clear up the mess, but he didn't know that Henry was coming back along the line with the flatbeds. 

Henry turned the corner and saw the derailed truck. He couldn't stop in time. He bumped into it and pushed it out of the way, but his wheels ran right into the treacle and it smeared all over his wheels and the wheels on the flatbed. 

"Oh, no!" he gasped. 

Henry knew he should stop to get his wheels cleaned, but he also knew he had work to do, and decided to keep going. 

"I'll wash my wheels as soon as I deliver the logs and collect the young trees. They have a washdown there." 

So Henry kept on going, but the treacle was making it difficult for him to move very well. And he was also smearing it along the line too. But he wasn't thinking clearly. 

Henry struggled to the forest and his flatbeds were loaded, and now there was more trouble. The logs made his flatbeds heavier and now with sticky wheels and a heavy load, Henry was struggling more than ever. 

"Oh, my! This is hard work!" he groaned. 

"You need to have your wheels cleaned, Henry!" called his Driver. "The Inspector told you to take it easy!" 

"But we'll be late!" protested Henry. 

"Suit yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you!" 

Henry kept on going. 

Meanwhile, Thomas and Harvey cleared the mess, but Percy, who was passing by with his empty mail vans noticed a trail of treacle on the line between. 

"An engine must have gone through it!" he cried. "They've left such a mess!" 

Percy decided to follow the trail. 

Henry was still struggling. His cheeks were red and his firebox was fizzing and sparkling and his side rods were beginning to get sticky too. 

"I need to hurry," he wheezed, and he tried to pick up speed. 

He let off steam to increase his pace and- 


Henry shuddered to a halt. He had burst his safety valve. 

"Oh, no! Now what shall I do?" 

"I told you so," sighed his Driver. 

The Guard left warning flags, and the Driver went to call for help. 

Just then, Percy caught up with Henry and found him stuck on the line. 

"Are you alright, Henry?" 

"No, I'm stuck on the line. I ran into some treacle and it held me and my trucks down. I've burst my safety valve!" 

Percy sighed. 

"Why didn't you get your wheels cleaned?" 

"I didn't want to be late with my logs and trees for the forest." 

Percy knew how much Henry loved the forest, and understood why he put his job first over his safety. 

"I made similar mistakes," Percy said. "I got covered in treacle once and kept going without getting cleaned and got covered in hay too! I was teased for days! And I also got pumpkin juice stuck on my wheels once too! I was horribly delayed, like you are now." 

Henry sighed sadly.

"I'll go and get workmen to clean the line, and you can go to the Steamworks," said Percy. 

Later, as workmen cleaned the tracks, Henry was shunted to the Steamworks by James. 

"Dear, oh dear, Henry, my friend," said Victor, "didn't the Inspector tell you to take things easy?" 

"Sorry, Victor," said Henry. 


"Sorry, boss! Just getting Henry's new valve!" called Kevin. 

"Just don't break that one too, Kevin," muttered Victor sternly. 

"I'll take your logs and trees, Henry!" whistled James. 

"Thank you, everyone," smiled Henry. 

While Henry was hoisted to have his wheels cleaned, James took the flatbeds, which also had to be cleaned at the next siding by the workmen Percy had brought. The treacle truck was back on the rails and the treacle was eventually cleaned up. 

It was evening by the time James had delivered the trees to be planted, but Thomas arrived and his Driver and Fireman helped plant the trees to make up for lost time. 

The combined work effort made everything get done by the end of the day, and all the engines were able to return to Tidmouth Sheds. 

Thomas apologised for causing the accident. 

"It was silly of me to keep on going without getting cleaned," said Henry. "I won't let myself make that mistake again." 

All the engines agreed and were glad Henry had learned his lesson. 

(The End!)

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