Sneak Peak

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This is not technically a part of this book. It was originally the prologue, but it got ditched for something else, so I thought I'd publish it and give you a little taste of the story. Yes, it will be a bit confusing, but it's supposed to make you ask questions ;-). Thanks for reading!

He quietly pulled back the heavy curtain that separated the bedroom from the outer chamber. He glanced at the room around him and was lost in memories for a moment. She'd loved this room. He thought of waking and coming here to find she was already working, white robe wrapped around her and long blonde hair tumbling over her shoulders as she looked at various notices from the Council. Her hand would unconsciously rest on her pregnant stomach. She would look up and smile, hearing his footsteps on the carpet. He shook off the mental picture and went to the door at the other side that opened into the nursery. The child was sleeping soundly, and so was the nurse. His hands shook slightly as he carefully lifted the baby out of her little crib and walked out into the hall.

Torches burned dimly on the grey walls, lighting his way. The baby stirred slightly and he caught his breath. He would surely be caught if she woke. Still, he walked on, out of the cavernous palace and into the courtyard. Then he flew. He saved his energy at first, knowing he had far to go. But as he became more anxious for his mission, his heart beat faster and his wings moved with more power. Minutes ticked on, land flew by below him. He held the child a little closer.

Finally, he was almost there. He could see the Dorsheim guards pacing in front of it, their fiery orange veins glowing in the dark night. He landed as softly as he could and hid behind a rock. He did his best to shield the child from the cold wind blowing over the desert as he waited for his chance. When both the guards had turned and began walking in the other direction, he dashed forward, no longer caring for stealth - all that mattered was getting to the gate. He saw the funnel of swirling earth before him just as the guards noticed him and started running. His heart raced and he broke into a cold sweat, but kept running, then jumped into the air and flew, as fast as he could. The air was cold against his face. The baby started crying. He kept moving. Finally. Finally, he reached the gate and jumped in.

It felt... Strange. Everything moving around him, almost moving him. Yet he seemed to stay in the same place. But then the world around him started changing. He looked up and saw black sky, and the dim glow of some light surrounding him. He felt solid ground beneath his bare feet, and buildings began to appear around him. As the gate disappeared, he saw that he was in a large city.

There were bright lights and strange vehicles and people walking briskly past him, not caring that they hit and jostled him. He turned slowly, trying to see where he might go next. He wandered around the city for hours. Finally, he found a building with a sign he did not understand, people in some sort of uniform walking in and out. Military, perhaps? The best place he'd found yet.

Slowly, so as not to be noticed, he approached the door. No one seemed to be looking, and before someone could see him, he gently set the baby on the steps.

"You will be safe, little one," he whispered. He kissed her on the forehead, and then he was gone.

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