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Prehistory 1995

It's one of those evenings after the concerts. I am always broken after them. The show, the audience, the stifling air in the hall. I feel limp and drained. Thoughts circle in my head. Beautiful thoughts. I have met the most beautiful girl a few days ago. Since then, I think about her. Her beautiful brown hair and those wonderful brown eyes. It was her charisma that impressed me. We had a family party and suddenly this incredible girl was infront of me. Shy, she stared at the floor. Her father standing beside her and introduced her with a hand gesture, "This is Joelle." I looked up straight into her eyes. Unfortunately, I can not describe this feeling. It felt like a firework bursting inside me. "Hey, I'm Paddy, but you know that for sure." I mischievously grinned at her and held out my hand. Her gaze went back to the floor. I took my away, apparently she did not want to give it to me. I had not experienced that either. Every other girl would have to shake my hand. I was confused and at first did not know how to react. I have to talk about the situation through with my own hands. Her hands had enchanted me with their nature. Only now that I think about it, I realize what happened. It was love at first sight. That evening I only had eyes for her. I kept trying to get close to her. I always had it in view and waited for a moment in which Joelle was alone. I took the opportunity and set myself next to her. "Hey, how are you?" I quickly brought over my lips. She looked over at me and smiled but I waited for an answer in vain. "Do you not want to talk to me?" I asked Joelle carefully. She shook her head slightly. "Not now," I said determinedly, and went back to my seat a bit snapped and shook. I would like to know what I did wrong. I would like to grab my guitar and start trilling on it. But unfortunately that's not possible, because my siblings are already partially asleep. I still lie with the thoughts in my head and do not know what to do with myself. I look quickly at myself. I get up again and put on warmer clothes. I have to get some fresh air. I run the bus down and I'm out of the door. Luckily our bus is available. Finally fresh air. I take a deep breath in and out. This cold air is doing me well. I stand for a while and I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Paddy, why are you outta here?" I recognize the voice, it is Patricia. I turn my head slightly to the side. "You know we are not sick." "Yes I know, but I can not sleep." I mutter softly to myself. "I've noticed for a few days," I turn to her. Actually, I did not want to talk to anyone about it, but I thought that was just right. Maybe Patricia knows why Joelle reacted  that way. "Also ..." I start and take in another breath. "We had this celebration a few days ago ?" "Yes," Patricia replies, "So were the Verreet's right?" I look at her dreamily. Again, Patricia answers with "Yes." "They also have a daughter, the same age as me." I had to grin as I said that. Alone the thought made me smile. I look at Patricia. She had already understood everything I wanted. Now it is her grinning at me. "Oh, Paddy," she sighs. I shrugged my shoulders. What can I do if I can not forget this incredibly beautiful girl? Patricia finds it amusing, because I already shone with my girl stories. But this time it is different. I really cannot describe what is in me. I had never experienced this feeling so intensely. "Come on Paddy go upstairs and lie down." I nod. That was probably the end of our conversation. I will talk to her again within the next few days. I close my eyes and inhale the cold air again. It is really refreshing and cooling. Nearby I hear an eagle owl call. I have always found this nocturnal silence very impressive. Silently, I sneak into the bus and then crawl back into my bed. I close my eyes and the thoughts are again with Joelle ....
I hope you like my story about Michael Patrick Kelly/Paddy and Joelle Verreet. The story is original in german and I've transleted the story to english. Hope that is correct 🤭 I had the best help, but feel free to write when some words are wrong. Its just a little project,  Thank you❣

Safe Hands - (Michael Patrick Kelly FF) ENGLISHWhere stories live. Discover now