The Hospital Ward...

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Tae- "Come on Y/N! Don't give up now. Please if you won't do this for yourself. Do it for me. Don't give up! Not now, not fucking ever." 

He held you are tight as he could with one hand holding your wrist and the other holding you in an embrace. He sat there feeling hopeless, unsure of what to do. Tears were streaming down his face, unable to clear his face he just allowed the tears to carry on flowing! 

Tae- "Someone, please help! Quickly! Please someone! Anyone!" Tae sat there not allowing you to give up, trying to get help.

Finally, after many attempts of trying to get help a girl ran into the room to see you and Tae on the floor covered in blood. No one knew who you were as Tae made sure to hide your face against his chest. The girl ran off and found a teacher. She soon returned with a handful of teachers.

Teacher 1- "Oh no, someone call 119! NOW!!" 

The school were on the phone to the emergency services and cornered off that side of the corridor to make sure that no one was to enter. Tae and the teachers were arguing over Tae letting go of you. Tae refused. 

Tae- "No! I will not let go of her! Not until she is in safe hands of the paramedics!" Taes deep husky voice seemed to over power there tired, warn out voice.

**************************Time skip*************************

You hear sirens, everything around you is blur, soon after adjusting to the lights you realise that your in ambulance. You can hear someone calling your name asking you questions. You want to answer but you can't. You stay silent, you feel the ambulance coming to a halt. The back doors swing open and you are taken out of the back of the ambulance. You never realise how fast your trolley is going but you can here people shouting. 

Paramedic 1- "Is the emergency room ready?!"

Paramedic 2- "She has lot has lost a lot of blood at the scene but has stopped or slowed down on the way to hospital. She fainted at the scene but gained consciousness on way to hospital." 

Doctor 1- "In this room quickly we might not have much time left."

You hear the doors swing open and then feel the trolley come to a stop. You open your eyes and see what you think is 6 doctors around you.

Doctor 2- "Ok, lift on the count of 3... 2... 1... Lift. And roll." 

You sit there for a minute then begin to sit up. You can feel someone holding your shoulder and say to you 

???- "Just lay down so we can assess you."

Y/N- You refuse. "No! I want Tae, where's Tae?!"  You try to pull the blood line out of your arm.  The doctors restrain you. "LET GO OF ME! TAE I NEED YOU PLEASE, TAE!" You scream.

Tae runs into the room with the doctors restraining you.  You can see tears rolling down his face, you can see the fear in his eyes. You calm down and the doctor lets you go and Tae walks over to you. He puts his hand on your shoulder in a way of his reassurance that everything will be ok. He didn't want you to feel scared.

***************************TIME SKIP************************

After the doctor had finished checking your obs and finished dressing your wounds, which you thought had gone on forever. He finally told you that you were ready to go. As you were singing the the sheets, someone handed you a sheet. You looked up to see a familiar face, you couldn't make out who it was but you knew, you knew them from somewhere. It was like after something bad happens to you old people and faces come flooding back to you or maybe its just your mind fucking around with you as, trying to trick you into thinking that you had friends at some point. 

Tae entered the room and helped you up off the bed and walked you to the taxi that was waiting outside for you. He put your stuff into the back of the taxi, which you didn't have many as you had just came from school. 

You pulled the sheet out of your pocket and just sat there with the sheet in your hands, you just stared at it. On the sheet:

Dear Y/N, 

Here are some contact numbers and websites that you could use when you are feeling suicidal, wanting to self harm or just need to chat. They are all private and confidential what you say won't be judged or spoken about outside the chat. They will only tell someone about what you have said something if they think it could be a risk to your life. 

a list

I hope that this list helps you. From 

Dr. Kim. 

**************************TAES POV**************************

*I wonder whats on that letter, AISH!! Should I be scared? Worried? She has been staring at that thing for a while now, she hasn't moved at all should i try talk to her? I look down at the letter, its from that doctor, Aish whats his name... Mr... Mr.. Mr Kim, ah that's it Mr. Kim. 

*********************** END OF TAES POV**********************

Tae- "Y/n, c-can I ask you something? I guess its kind of personal." He said with his hanging low.

Y/n lift her head with a slight smile, nodded and resumed back to staring at the letter in here hand. 

Tae- "How come your parents never showed up? I thought that through something like this they would at least show up! Or is that me?" 

Y/n looked up at Tae with terror in her eyes, she began to tear up, it was like even the word parents scares her shitless... 

But what about her parents scared her?


Hey guys, so ok know that i haven't uploaded recently but its only because I have been busy recently because I have school at the moment and stuff to do at home, I will try to upload more often I promise! ANYWAY, Thank you for reading this please don't forget if your new follow me and also vote for this chapter if you enjoyed. See ya'll next time. Love you all xoxo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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