Chapter 5

35 9 5

A/N; Any conversations in italics are Korean.


The little tips of the mascara brush combed through my lashes one final time, before my fingers reached out to reposition my phone again the vanity mirror. Making my face appear clearly in the little box below Jem's face.

“I can't believe I'm witnessing you getting all dolled up!” Jem exclaimed before shoving another strawberry into his mouth.

“A plain shirt, jeans and mascara defines getting dolled up for you?” I questioned, capping the mascara bottle. My head shaking in disbelief as I did so.

My eyes scanned over the silver clock that decorated the wall before me, reminding myself that I still had about five minutes before Jimin came up to fetch me.

“Well when you put it that way,” Jem trailed off, grinning a little then returned back to shoving the strawberries down his throat.

“You're gonna choke Diamond,” I warned, my cheek resting on my half closed fist.

He argued back with muffled words as his mouth was ridiculously filled with the red fruit. Laughter escaped my red stained lips that almost matched the fruit he was chewing on. I shook my head at his pouty overflowing mouth, our banter being cut off by a soft knock sounding from the door.

“That's my queue!” I pulled my face away from the door to Jem's face. A random emotion that I couldn't quite decipher flashed in his eyes, disappearing the second it showed up.

“I guess we'll talk later, yeah?” His grin reappearing.

I nodded softly before mumbling a quick ‘love you' and earning one back; my finger hovering over the end call button. I rushed over to the door, slipping my phone into my pocket along with a some Wons to avoid awkward scenarios. My distaste towards bags taking over as I shoved my everything into the tiny pockets of my jeans; pulling the door open.

With an out of breath sigh, my eyes land on the figure leaning on the door frame. His eyes snapped my way the second the door was pulled open, his fingers heading straight to the back of his neck as he arched his head slightly downwards in a polite, almost shy, manner. A small smile etched itself on my lips, my hand raising to give him a small wave as his name escapes my lips in acknowledgment.


His eyes shot up to meet mine the second his name rolled off my tongue, making unwanted heat to crawl it's way to my cheekbones.

Clearing his throat he muttered a quick, “Ready?”

His eyes darting everywhere, never landing on mine. Finding his shyness endearing; I take a step forward silently shutting the door behind and breathing out an almost silent “yeah” while doing so.

He nodded his head, stepping ahead of me towards the elevator. Arching his head back to sneak a glance at me, I offered a small smile that forced redness up his cheeks. We stepped into the elevator, engulfed in almost awkward silence. I stared ahead, my eyes focusing on the closed doors as I tried to ignore the pair of eyes, discreetly burning holes at the side of my skull.

Saved by the urgent ding of the elevator, the doors smoothly slid open; allowing Jimin and myself to step out. Only to face an empty corridor with a single door. Eyeing the door thoroughly and the rest of the empty hallway.

You aren't lauring me here to kill me or something, are you?” I playfully questioned, slightly scared; however, trying to lift up the silent awkwardness.

A surprised endearing laugh escaped his lips as a grin took over his features. With a shake of his head he replied,

Oh no! Of course not!

I let out a gentle giggle and proceeded to eye the door as he loudly knocked on the dark wood, before twisting the knob and pulling it wide open. With a soft gesture asking me to follow as he made his way inside. Slowly trailing after him, my eyes land on the lot of people scattered around the enormous space before me.

Ately!” A voice called out, causing multiple eyes to snap my way.

I quickly located the source of the voice as Juwon. I softly smiled, pushing the anxiety crawling over from all the attention I just gained, I walked over to him following Jimin.

Hey, Juwon!” I cheerly replied. Throwing a friendly wave at Ho-seok who was sitting beside him, happily munching on whatever food he had placed on a plate before him.

There's food over there if you want any!” He called, his voice slightly muffled from the food resident in his mouth. My mind flashed to Jem's call from minutes prior, forcing an involuntary giggle to escape my lips.

I nodded my head at him, about to reply, but Juwon's voice cut our short-lived conversation off.

Introductions first!

His cheerful, yet confident attitude, making the words slip so smoothing and gain the attention of almost everyone. He started listening names off while pointing to their holders; earning me a few grins and waves. I tried to concentrate on all the names he was listing; however, knowing I'd probably forget them by the time he stops talking. Aside from the group members and two other choreographers, most of the names slipped out of my mind.

And this is Ately, the new addition to our choreography team!” He ended his almost-speech.

I waved in a general direction, I called out a soft ‘Hello everyone!’ and earning a few hellos back. A few short seconds later, everyone went back to doing their own thing. I kept up a short conversation with Juwon, before he engrossed himself with a discussion with a member from the group, namjoon, I assumed.

Realising I was actually quite hungry, I walked off towards the food plates that were placed not be bar, gently grabbing a paper plate and placing a couple of items, that I did recognize, on it. Then placing myself on a stool to munch on my food. With eyes scanning the scene before me mindlessly, I chewed silently until I felt someone take custody of the seat next to me.

I turned my head to the side only to be met with a pair of sharp eyes and a straight face. I racked my mind for the correct name to match the face, till I finally reached the verdict that it was Yoongi, hopefully. Not testing my luck with the name, I gave him a soft smile, earning a swift nod with a half grin.

Training my eyes forward once again, since no conversation took place. It remained silent in my antisocial bubble for a few minutes, that I almost got lost in my thoughts; however, boredom snapped me out. Discreetly glancing at the silent person next to, I mustered up the courage to talk.

You're quiet,”

Bashing myself for the awkward and slightly ridiculous remark, I glance his way; only to be caught by his unflattering stare. I felt the heat of my embarrassing remark splash over my face, as I attempted to shift my eyes straight ahead once again.

You don't seem a talker yourself,”

My head snapped when his voice diffuses to my ear. My eyes looking on the half smile I was receiving, causing my own to etch itself on my lips.

Yeah not really,

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