Family Reunion (Zedwin)

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The boys were currently on break for Christmas and at home visiting their family. Of course, they loved the time off but they also really missed each other. Two of them in particular.

Zion was currently at home with his family in Ottowa, watching the Hockey game on tv like a typical Thursday night back in the day.

At this time him and the boys would usually be doing a concert, or if they had the day off Edwin and Zion would be in bed cuddling and playing fortnite all day.

He sighed to himself as he looked down at his phone for the 19th time that hour, wondering if Edwin was ever going to text him back. You could say he had a slight crush on the boy. 

"Caleb, come set the table" His mom told him, smacking the back of his head lightly. Normally he would've sighed and slowly got up, but he missed his mom and normal things like setting the table.

He got up and happily walked into the kitchen, taking the plates from his mother and then setting them in his proper place as usual.

He talked to his mother as he did this, Elom in the living watching hockey so he was out of earshot.

Just as his mother announced that dinner was ready Zion got a text. He took his phone out and instantly smiled once he saw Edwin's name.

'Hey, sorry I had to bring my lil cousin to the park 🏃‍♂️'

Zion smiled even more after he read the text and instantly started typing his reply, stopping when Edwin started typing again.

"I miss you' the text read, making Zion's heart melt. He didn't know why Edwin was the only person who made him feel this way, but he couldn't help it.

"Caleb you know the rules, no phones at the table" His mom said making him sigh and shove his phone back in his pocket.

After 35 minutes of eating and conversation, Zion finally excused himself and went to his old room. As soon as he got there he opened up his laptop before going to the facetime app and calling Edwin.

He frowned when he declined the call then took his phone out and texted him.


He sent the text then saw as Edwin viewed it then waited for his reply that never came. After another ten minutes, he texted him again.


He saw Edwin instantly read it but then two minutes went by and he still didn't reply. It was then when Zion realized what was happening, Edwin was leaving him on R because Zion did the same thing during dinner. 

'I left u on r cause my mom made me put my phone away eddy. plz'

When Edwin read the text ten seconds passed then his name popped up along with his ringtone. Zion smiled as he pressed answer, waiting a few seconds before watching his beautiful face pop up.

"Hey" Zion said first watching as Edwin's face lit up in the dark from the tv. 

"Hey bro" Edwin said, looking at the camera with a smile. 

"I miss you, a lot" Edwin added, a clear blush on his cheeks. "I miss you too, Ed" Zion said, sitting up some. It had almost been a month since he's last seen the boys, but two months since he's seen Edwin, because Edwin got to go home early.

"Only two more weeks" Edwin told him, making Zion smile since he knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I can't wait" Zion said truthfully before letting out a small sigh. "What's wrong Z?" Edwin asked, a clear pout on his lips.

"I dunno..I just wanna hold you" Zion said quietly but Edwin heard it. "I feel the same way" He said, biting his lip.

"I don't think I can do two more weeks" Zion said, sitting up even more. He pulled out his laptop and went on a new tab, looking at flights.

"Me too, Zion, but it's only two weeks it'll be fine.." Edwin said unconvincingly. "You don't sound convinced" He told him and Edwin giggled.

"I gotta go to bed loser, I'll text you in the morning I'm not doing anything tomorrow so we can Skype all day like last week" Edwin said and Zion pouted but then nodded. 

"Okay, Ill talk to you later goodnight Eddy" Zion said, smiling some at him. "Night babe" Edwin said before hanging up. Zion chuckled and shook his head, going back to his laptop to look for the soonest flight to New York.

He smirked to himself as he reached over to grab his wallet, taking out his debit card then putting in the numbers and purchasing the ticket. 

Five hours later he was at the airport and now waiting for his flight that was in ten minutes. He couldn't wait to surprise Edwin, and he already texted his mom and asked if it was ok he came, which she of course said yes.

It only took four hours to get to New York and then to Edwin's house, thankfully because the uber was fucking crazy.

As he knocked on the door lightly Edwin's mom opened it then smiled, quickly letting him in. "Hey, how are you?" She asked and he smiled, giving her a small hug.

"I'm great thanks, just a little tired I couldn't sleep" He chuckled and she smiled, patting his shoulder. "Edwin's still asleep, passed out cold just go join him" She said quietly before leading the way. 

When Zion got to his room he thanked Edwin's mom before quietly setting his bag down as she left and closed the door behind her. He looked down at Edwin, a smile on his face as he saw him peacefully sleeping.

He then kicked his shoes off before taking his shirt and pants off, leaving him in just his boxers as he climbed into bed beside Edwin.

He got comfortable under the blankets then wrapped his arm around Edwin's waist before slowly falling asleep, glad he finally had Edwin back in his arms. 


When edwin woke up later that morning he froze at first, not remembering falling asleep with someone in his bed.

At first he thought it was one of his family members but when he turned and saw familiar dreads he gasped in excitement, sitting up fully which woke up Zion.

He groaned, opening his eyes and looking at Edwin. "Oh shit, Hi" He mumbled, chuckling as he saw Edwin's reaction and sat up.

"How the hell did you get here?!" Edwin shouted in excitement before flinging himself on Zion and hugging him tightly.

Zion hugged him back, laughing as Edwin practically sobbed in his arms about how much he missed him and how this must be a dream.

"It's not a dream baby, I took a plane and got here a while ago your mom let me in" He said and Edwin pulled away from the hug, a blush on his face.

"You called me baby" Edwin said and Zion laughed. "Did I?" Zion questioned before felling a pair of lips against his own. He was surprised at first but quickly kissed back, their lips moving in sync until Edwin pulled away to let them breathe. 

Zion grinned, pulling Edwin close and kissing everywhere he could on his face as Edwin giggled.

"I'm so happy you came" Edwin said as Zion kissed his nose last. "Me too, I don't know what I would've done if I had to go another day without you" Zion said before connection their lips again. 

They spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching tv, ordering food half way through the day because they were to lazy to go out and get anything. 

To anyone else it might've seemed like a boring ass day, but for the both of them they couldn't have asked for anything more.


Prettymuch One-Shots (bxb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora