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 Shattered fragments of prisms lie about

sharp edges that still hold strange glimmer.

I wonder where time has gone

but it's always here.

I know that.

The brain can only hold so much before it starts to erase memories to avoid overfilling

how can you know this and not be terrified?

I wonder where my memories have gone

How can you experience this and not feel out of control?

I want to desperately clutch at everything and keep it with me

just like I used to gather all my stuffed animals and name them.

Every moment I want to count down and name it and sleep knowing that I am myself.

How can you stand there and not fear losing everything

fragments of who you are that glimmer in the sun?

Where did the times go?

Time has always been here.

I know that.

Where have my memories gone?

Shattered prisms refract lurid light in response

How can you stand there?

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