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Does the question "what happens to plastic?" ever distort our minds. The old scriptures believes in Armageddon , while some dwell on this believe some said there is no such thing as end time. However, if there ever will be, we humans are enough to extinct earth! . We scarred earth and held on to the knives. It begs the question "who ask us to lead?". If our intellect is enough reason to be called "higher animals" then shouldn't it be used to rectify our indomitable mistake before it is too late which probably already is? . The darkest part about this joke is if we ever succeed, planet Mars is next . Earth was  beautifully green until we see for ourselves the havoc done when plastic and other non biodegradables  were pulled from the mouth of a turtle in documentaries or news headlines like "eighty plastic bag found in the stomach of dead whale". The use of plastic was not  limited  to land, we let it traveled far to the arctic and tropical waters  putting lives that had nothing to do with our ways on the edge. 

Therefore, we thought lets do something about this . We decided to recycle . Here we are , stuck ! recycling our pieces of trash over and over  . Recycling was a clear effort, but the differences recycling made was not significant as the production of plastic overpowers the suggested solution . Enough laws has not been passed to curb this menace. This plague should be taken as seriously as the offend of a serial killer and arsonist . the crime scenes of deposited plastic is all over the corners of earth affecting widelifes we endangered in the first place. More effort need be made, we are not doing enough and our nonchalant attitude  will have no positive results . we need earth, earth doesn't need us. we either go green or go extinct! . Nature itself is a parables for us and if we listen well , it is as clear as crystals that  it prefer not to be touched. Change a thing and it all comes crumbling like a pack of card over us .  Exploring and gathering knowledge about our earth is still not a crime, if we learn to treat earth better as she deserves . Keeping in mind  not to turn this into an horror story since we are not ready to say our goodbyes. earth is ever thine, ever mine , ever ours.

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