Chapter 11- Small Details

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Three weeks after Stella went back to school, I began noticing small changes. It started with the pictures in Stella's room. They were slowly being replaced with sunshine and rainbows, with self portraits of Stella smiling and holding the hand of a young man with black hair and blue eyes, with smiling animals and bright sceneries. The pictures of the Grays were slowly disappearing from the walls.

The air in the house was also lighter. The aura was vibrant and happy. The family seemed to be getting closer, with Stella even apologizing to her father after all this time. Seraphina and Stella were even beginning to build a solid relationship. It was incredible for me to see.

What scared me, however, was the number of Grays that have entered the home.

Stella was well aware of them, whereas Layla was not. All of them seemed to be glued to Stella like a magnet. Though this was happening, Stella walked around with a wide grin upon her face. It was a little unsettling to witness. Luckily, none of them came too close to her. They just hovered around, staring at her. Upon a closer look, I noticed that their gazes held no malicious intent. Instead, there was only sorrow, as if they lost something precious.

I wish I had paid more attention to that detail.


" Layla, everything is going to be okay," I heard Henry say through the closed door.

" No, it's not!" she sobbed. " Nothing is going to be okay!"

I stood at the door, listening with confusion. What the hell had happened?

It was the fourth week after Stella went back to school. I had left the home and went back to the park near the college. The air was cool and crisp against my skin, the gentle wind caressing my hair. It was serine and calming. I felt better, more relaxed.

That was, until I got back.

I went back to the house around the time Stella would have gotten home. When I entered, there was no cheerfulness to the air like their had been only a week ago. The air was stagnant and stale, making it hard to breathe. Naturally, I went to Stella's room first, hoping to find her there. She wasn't there.

Next, I went to Layla and Henry's room, and that's where I was at the moment, listening to their conversation, trying to piece together what was going on.

" It could be nothing," Henry tried to claim, but the hitch in his voice said otherwise.

" Don't fucking lie to me, Henry!" Layla shouted.

I backed away from the door in fright.

" Layla, honey," he tried to comfort.

" Our little girl is going to die, and you wanna sit here and lie to me!"

My body froze completely. I had hoped my hearing was off, and Layla had not just said that.

" The doctors don't know yet," Henry stated. " Stella could be better in a matter of days."

I heard a loud THUD as Layla hit the ground sobbing. I backed away from the room and ran into Stella's. I shut the door behind me quietly, hoping not to alert Layla or Henry. When it was closed behind me, I went to the bed and sat down, putting my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. I wanted to cry, but no tears formed. I could only sit there, shaking in fear and distress.

There was no way she could be dying. Not my Stella.

The door opened gently. I felt no urge to look up at the woman that came in. The door closed, and a moment later the bed shifted down under the weight. A hand placed itself on the small of my back and moved in soothing circles.

" Tell me it's not true," I whispered.

Layla remained silent.

" What does she have?"

" Cancer," Layla answered weakly. " She has cancer."

" Why her?" I choked out.

No reply.

Finally, the tears came like a bursting dam. Usually, when a guy is angry and upset, they punch and throw things. Me, I fall to my knees and wail like a child. I did that in that moment, Layla falling with me to comfort me. There was nothing she could do to lessen the pain.

Stella was my family, and I was going to lose her.

Word Count: 723

Author's Note:

Yup.... here we go. The next chapter may be the second to last or the last chapter before the epilogue. We are wrapping it up, and I am sorry (not really) for doing this. Hope you stick around to see the end!

~ Sieara

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