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My heart crushed my chest as I hyperventilated. If something happened to Sophia it would be my fault, he was out to get me, why involve her.

"Here is your coffee" someone interrupted my racing thoughts by handing me a cup full of caffeine.

I looked up to find the most striking silver blue eyes. The same sensation as in the plane hit me. The scene replayed over and over in my head, Him giving me juice and the next thing I was out for almost the whole flight, unconscious. What saved me was that we were ten thousand feet up the air. Now I was grounded and alone. I eyed the coffee that now seemed like poison.

Standing up I did the only thing that I could with adrenaline pumping though my body. I slapped him right across his face. The resounding sound filled the room with deathly silence as people stopped their scrambling just to give us a second look before they got back to their complaining, They wouldn't save ME this was New York the city of minding your own fucking business.

My fight mode was over now it was flight.  I rushed out of the area before anything could be said or done. Making my way through the building earning some weird glances from security guards. I found myself in the washroom hiding like a coward.  Panicking I tried calling Sophia several times but It all went to voicemail. Nothing, I was stranded.

Getting a good look at myself in the mirror. I was out of breath my eyes were slightly bulged out and my hand was red. Damn, he had a strong jaw, It almost snapped my hand in two. Turning the tap I let the water ran over it. When it had cooled slightly, I splashed my face. The little makeup I had on was waterproof.

Standing up after one last dip, I met the angriest reflection in the world. I had no time to react before he pinned me across one of the walls and tightened his hand across my mouth. Did he even wash it? Disgusting!

The more he placed his weight on me the more it hurt but there was a tingling feeling crossing my body. Was I wrong that it felt right.

Motioning for me to shush up as he released me. My jaw hurt a bit but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me whimper.

"Where is Sophia," I spat out.

"who?" a sly grin touching his mouth.

"My secretary, you retard" I slowly raised my voice.

"She's quite feisty you know,  put up such a fight." he let out a sickening grin before stepping back. My stomach twisted and I threw a punch at him square in the nose. "you bastard!" I screamed before running and  locking myself in one of the cubicle when he weakened in pain.

However, it didn't take time before he banged the door violently, then everything went still. I knew he hadn't left since I could still see his shadow standing next to the door then it moved.  Getting on my knees, I saw him checking out his nose it was bleeding pretty badly, I felt guilty I am not the violent type, but he deserved it. Shortly after an elderly woman who just got out of one of the cubicles chased him out screaming and cussing  while I tried to muffle my laughter.

Getting out of the washroom, I grabbed my bag and found him leaning not too far from the bathroom entrance. With a handkerchief on his nose. I stood by the door just in case things got ugly again.

"Where is she" I asked again with more confidence since the security guard wasn't far. I know, I know I'm such a coward.

Hearing him sigh "I sent Francis to take her home when she complained she didn't have a ride."

That's sounds like her but things weren't adding up. "You're lying." I said a little louder earning the guards attention

"Partially, sweetheart I need you to sigh some papers then I'll let her go." He checked his reflection on his phone.

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