#4 Evil in Loose

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- For X-Mas present - Evil in Loose.

- Petey Go.

Sound surrounding.

Me today

Running in words

It's not fancy

To for the tomorrow

To a new aside


How can I loose?

I sink in lost deep waters

Trying to achieve

A new tomorrow

More presence

For a new lie

Not a new life

I cant see more

The past for the past

Present for today

Future for a new reason

I cant see how to I can loose


In times

I can be yours


I am in deep

I cant be yours

Past in past

Present for a present

I can't change


I need to loose

For a victory and a fight

Ur heart is in another one

Shape me

For bleeding

I am aware of that



Me in running words

You are my sensors

That I cant switch


Remember for the past we had

Not for gone not present

It's present for a today

I sink in water deep

For to keep floating

I cant had a new lifetime

Please loose me

In these clouds

Our hearts hurts

I can't loose

I am at the clouds

I can't see clearly

Forgive me as your heart too

I'm too deep in swim

These new days

For Future bright ones

I wanna to loose

But I won't quit

I cant save you

But I will try to save you

Save you

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