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Matt's POV

I think I'm finally getting over Hazel. At least in a more than friends way. She will always be one of my best friends. But, when I see her with Sam, she's happy. I couldn't dream of getting between them.

This was our 6th stop. We had 6 left. It was halfway done. I knew that after Magcon ended we'd all be busy with school and won't see each other as much.

Which sucked. All of my best friends were with the tour and I was gonna miss them. I did have people at home I miss too, though.

"Alright people, keep making every show better than the last! We had an amazing time last week and I hope this won't be any different! All personality in the green room until we call you up." We all sat on the couches and chairs, waiting to be let on stage.

I was so pumped for today. Meeting fans is amazing. It's my favorite thing to do. I get to talk to all of the people that helped me to where I am now. Without them, I wouldn't have met all of my friends.

"Hey, I'm gonna make vine!" Nash pulled out his phone and started it. Jack J got on Jack G's back. I made a creepy face and screamed. Hazel tickled Hayes. Sam and Jacob pretended to fight. "About to go on stage. Getting pumped!" When it was over we all just started laughing.

I was about to sit down when we got told to go to the stage.

--------After the Show--------

"Come on! How long does it take to get your shoes on?" Everyone was in the hallway waiting for Aaron.

"I'm coming! Damn!" We all ran to the elevator and hurried out to the limo. We had planned a meet up at the Longview Mall. We were already running late. We got to the Food Court just in time. A couple fans were already there.

We ended up signing things and taking pictures. We met one really nice girl named Emma. She had recently finished battling Leukemia. She was really sweet and the only sign of what happened was the fact that she had no hair. She was still beautiful though. And she didn't use her disease as an excuse for better treatment. She didn't mention it until Nash asked.

We got to meet so many amazing people and it warmed my heart. A couple of us vined it and followed fans on twitter.

"Can I get a picture of you two? You are such a cute couple!!" A girl was standing next to Sam and Hazel. Sam laughed and said sure. They posed with his arm around her waist and he was kissing her on the cheek.

I sighed and looked over to a girl who had walked up to me. Honestly, she was gorgeous. She told me her name was Hailey and that she was a huge fan. I took a couple cute pictures with her.

"Make sure you tag me in those pictures so I can like them." She said sure and then we had to leave. I waved goodbye to everyone as we left.



I really love Matt.

He is so sweet.

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