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Irene stood outside the posh looking building, where Sooyoung was meeting her wedding planner. Having best friend who was pretty well off, she often got to go to posh places like this but still felt like an outsider in places like these. Starting from the way they dressed, and the stain in front of her shirt didn't help.

After the incident earlier that day, she rushed to get to her class. She reached for her  presentation just in the nick of time, despite the series of unfortunate events that happened that day. The presentation went well, she had worked hard on it and she was prepared for all the questions that came her way. So in a way something did go right.

Now for the the situation, that is her dirty shirt. She wondered what she could do to this mess. She couldn't go back to her apartment for a change cause it was too far and she couldn't find a place where she could get a shirt for a reasonable price on the way.

Perhaps she should have taken the money from the jerk earlier. She shook her head, she also had her pride to take care of. So she was better off denying the money and the priceless look on his face made it worth it.

She tried her best to hide the stain with her thin over-coat but it didn't help much. Well that would have to do for now, she thought to herself as she made her way inside.

She walked inside and instantly felt the cool air from the air conditioner hit her. People were walking all around the place, she wondered where on earth was she going to find her best friend in this.

“May I help you?” A lady asked her. Judging by the uniformed outfit, Irene guessed she was an employee in the building. The employee looked her up and down her outfit, and there was disapproval evident in her eyes. Her eyes screaming 'You don't belong here’.

Irene shot back a glare. She didn't appreciate the look she was being given. She was going to answer her when a familiar voice broke their encounter.

“Irene, you are here.” The chirpy voice of her best friend filled her ears.

Irene broke the eye contact with the stranger and meet Sooyoung. Her expression instantly turning warmer. Giving one last sharp look at the employee, she walked over to her best friend.

“Sooyoung- ah.” She called her and they gave each other a hug.

“Did something happen?” Sooyoung said looking between the two women.

Irene shook her head, “Nah, it's nothing big.”

Luckily it was enough for Sooyoung, so she let the matter go immediately. They linked their arms and Sooyoung led her to a room in the same floor.

They say down in table that was provided for them, it was only then did Sooyoung realize her friend's stained shirt.

“What happened to your shirt?” Sooyoung asked her.

“Well it is all because of a certain jerk.” Irene started and re-accounted the whole incident that happened before. Not failing to throw a snide comment on the person who she blamed for the entire situation.

“Hold on, you dented his car?” Sooyoung asked her in disbelief as she finished listening to Irene's story. She knew her best friend was someone who should not be messed with but this was a little bit more even for her.

Irene didn't seem to regret it though, she may have felt a little guilty but talking to the arrogant and pompous airhead, evaporated all those feelings in her.

“Well he was a jerk to me. So by the end of it, I didn't even feel bad.”

Sooyoung shook her head, Irene was really something. She remembered the first time the two of them met, it was during the first year of college. Sooyoung and Irene were in the college newsletter editorial team. Something that a lot of people didn't care about but the two of them gave their all  with those articles.

The two of them were from different fields of study, Irene studying fashion and Sooyoung doing her honours in Economics. Their family background were even more poles apart. Unlike Irene, Sooyoung's family were pretty well off or a blunt way of saying it was she was pretty rich. But Sooyoung was happy to finally find a friend who didn't care about all these things and hung out with her because she liked to and not because of the perks of being associated to her. 

Their personalities were completely different too, while Sooyoung thought twice before speaking, Irene spoke what was on her mind the second she thought of it. Despite the vast difference them, the two of them became each others confidant and gradually become the best of friends that Sooyoung even asked her to become her maid of honour which Irene gladly accepted.

The two of them looked through the table that was full of catalogues with different concepts and ideas for a wedding. Sooyoung had a particular vision in her mind and she was sharing it with Irene. Any girls would like to have the perfect wedding and Sooyoung was no stranger to it. She explained enthusiastically about all the elements that were already planned. Most of the things were already chosen, booked. It was just the final things that they needed to check up on.

“Speaking about all these things, where is your other half?” Irene asked referring to Sooyoung soon to be husband.

Just then Namjoon entered the room. Sooyoung's face changed instantly she saw him. She waved her making her presence known.

Namjoon's face also broke into a smile the minute they saw each other. He greeted her with a kiss.

Irene rolled her eyes at the public display of emotion but deep in her heart she was in awe.

Namjoon and Sooyoung story was the typical college romance. Namjoon was the editor of the newsletter at the college, he was two years senior to them. It was love at first sight, as much as the idea made her cringe. The two of them eventually started spending more time together as they worked on the newsletter and soon started going on dates. After almost few months, they officially became a couple. Their love continued even as Namjoon graduated college the following year and finally when Sooyoung also had finished her studies. He popped the question to her and Sooyoung accepted his proposal without thinking twice.

She had been there since the beginning of their love story and had watched it progress into something so strong despite all the trials they had to face along the way. But they made it and were getting married soon. Perhaps this was one of the reason, Irene still held on to the idea of love as her friends were a testimony for that. Despite the front that she put up, she hoped one day she would find that.

Irene coughed loudly on purpose to catch their attention. Namjoon and Sooyoung broke from their hug and laughed at Irene's fake disgusted face.

“Why do I always become a third wheel?” Irene asked dramatically.

“Maybe you should get yourself a boyfriend.” Namjoon said teasing her and went over to give her a hug.

“I am good. I prefer my freedom over anything.” Irene said stubbornly.

“Why were you late?” Sooyoung asked, looking into her watch. They were supposed to meet half an hour ago.

“It's because of my friend. He had to stop by the mechanic shop on the way cause apparently someone threw a rock at his car. He ranted the rest of the way here. It was quite funny if you think about it. To say his ego was hurt” Namjoon laughed when be said the last bit.

Irene's eyes widened as the scene was a little too familiar. It was just a coincidence, right. There were hundreds of cases that happened everyday similar to this. But her gut feeling was something else. Irene tried to shrug of that feeling.

“Where is he?” Sooyoung asked him, as there was no sign of him in the place.

“He went to park his car cause he doesn't trust anyone with his car now.”

“Seems like he is in love with the car.” Irene muttered under her breath.

The door to the room opened and a tall figure walked in. Irene froze in her spot, as if her nightmare had come true.  

Jin greeted Sooyoung with a nod of his head till his eye roamed around the room till he noticed Namjoon and a smaller figure next to him. Chocolate brown eyes met hazel eyes. His eyes widened as he recognized them.

“You.” He blurted out, pointing his finger at her in disbelief


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