You call this love ( arranged marriage and to what???)

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"Yes and i've found her" Cindy called back. As we entered the room I saw a cut couple sitting on the love seat. I also saw a musele boy with his back terned to me. "Well now we are all here. Here is the news Scarlett you and Aiden are going to be having an arranged marriage oh and my name is Vicki and my husbands name is James. "Wait did you just say arranged marriage are you fucking kidding me" I screamed as I ran up stairs. The tears staing my cheeks as I heard a knock. In walk the boy know as Aiden. Well to explain aiden he has black silky hair,a realy well body and his eyes were green like grass. He was also very pale. "like what you see" he asked. "no actually I think I've seen better" he looked taken a back by my answer. Maybe I could practise on him until we get divorsed. Thank you so muck for reading

You call this love(arranged marriage and to what???)Where stories live. Discover now