Part 12

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I went into the bigger room to see Lou, sleeping, alone- for the first time in a while. Then i noticed his face seemed a little puffier than normal, he'd been crying before he slept.
'Lou?' i whisper, he stirred before opening his eyes and looking right at me 'I wanna cuddle,'
He just nods, so I climb onto the bed, letting him wrap his arms around me. I was kind of shocked when he still hadn't said anything to me, but even more shocked when all he did was bury his face in my shoulder.
'Lou are you okay?' he nods, though I didn't believe him, especially when I felt tears spill onto my shoulder. 'Whats wrong?' 
'N-Nothing I-m fine,'
'I'm f-fine Zee,'
'I'm gonna get Liam to talk to you then,'
'N-No, I'm f-fine now, I'm f-fine, I just had an a-anxiety attack, and I'm st-still feeling the effects,'
'Why did you have one?'
'D-Don't really w-want to say, can I j-just go to s-sleep now?'

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