The Great Phoenix

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This is a short story I invented.


The Great Phoenix

The great phoenix was a bird so mighty and magnificent, that when it soared, the other animals would bow down to the unearthly creature. Its heart was said to have been worth more than the finest jewels in a jewellery shop, more than the finest swords of the blacksmith and more than the brightest star shining in the night sky. This story is of this particular phoenix, who was befriended by one special butterfly, which was said to be so beautiful, it could be compared to any bright, shiny or colourful gemstone worth millions of dollars.

On the third day of the hot, calm, windless summer, while the great phoenix was soaring above the cheerful colours of another beautiful day in the woodland, it came across a lone flower sitting in the dead centre of a clearing. This particular flower was so luminous; it was practically glowing, pointing its perfectly rounded petals toward the sun, hoping to catch the summer sun’s rays which were scarcely found in the forest of the great phoenix. Flying directly above the flower, was the most beautiful creature the phoenix had ever seen. The magnificence of the sun during this summer couldn’t be compared to the beauty of the butterfly floating before him.

Over the summer, the phoenix and the butterfly became closer. Fall finally came with a cool gust of wind, and by that time, the phoenix and the butterfly were inseparable. From scouting together above the dying tree tops, in the cool wind of the fall, to playing chase amongst the browning grass, they refused to split up as they both knew that the butterfly would soon be gone, and the phoenix wanted to spend as much precious time as it could with the fading butterfly. The red and brown, withering leaves, one by one came off, and as they slowly fell, twirling to the soft dirt of the forest floor, the butterfly became sicker and sicker.

The cold, harsh snow filled winter came and went, and along with it went the butterfly’s remaining health and liveliness. When the last of the icy winds of winter blasted through the forest, the phoenix and the butterfly knew that the time had come. They went to the precious little clearing and awaited the right moment. The butterfly passed away upon the soft blanket of cold white snow, right on top of the spot of the very flower where they first met. That spot was now the resting place of the butterfly as well as the flower. The beautiful, bright butterfly was gone forever, only its spirit remaining, lingering within the forest; a little remainder of the strong friendship they had.

The great phoenix felt a chord snap in its heart, and in its depressed state, it gave a large cry; a truly soulful cry, and released a single tear, watching it fall upon the butterfly’s still, cool and silent body. To the phoenix’s great surprise, the body of the once radiant butterfly twisted and morphed into the beautiful, luminescent flower they met at, signalising the arrival of spring, and bringing back many joyful memories of the very few seasons they spent together. The summer, where they first met and got to know each other, under the harsh glare of the sun. The fall, where their friendship bond became unbreakable and with a gust of the cool wind, their time of friendship was cut short. The winter, where the snow buried the beautiful remains of the once alive butterfly. And finally, the spring, where the stunning flower grew and flourished in the place of the butterfly.

It was soon the last day of spring. As the gentle wind blew, the ash of what once was the phoenix was scattered, lost forever in the sea of green, but the soul of the phoenix forever remained right beside the butterfly, where it belonged.

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