My Prayer

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Rachel POV:

I take a step forward, my boot makes a slow and quiet squeak from the rain that is seeping through.

Suddenly the hooded figure looks over to me from hearing the noise. With eyes that seem to glow through the dark, they stare right at me.

"Who's come to play"

The person sings out with a growl.

My vision adjusts to the night as the tall figure turns to fully face me.
I look them up and down slowly so they don't notice.

I make out red trousers, a deep brown hoodie that could look almost black with the lack of light here. The hoodie is splotched with colours of red that I can only be describe as fresh and old dried up blood. The fresh patches still shining on the surface.
The hood stays over his head softly as black strands of hair messily lay over the front of his face.
All skin that should have been visible is covered with pure white bandages, as if they had just been wrapped.
His eyes are seemingly anisocoria like. His right eye only a black widened pupil and the left a bright orange with a tiny pupil.

"OI BITCH !! Take a picture it last longer"
He scoffs out each work with a growl.

Confused at this I ask.
"But why?"


"I have no reason to when you are in front of me"
I answer his unasked question.

His eye twitches in annoyance at my reply.

"LITTLE GIRL. Don't ya dare act smart with me. Ya brave so I'll give ya 5 seconds to run before I ... KILL YA!!!"
He laughs out manically.

I just stand still and watch with with my usual blank expression.
"So you will kill me if I don't run?"
My eyes perk up a little at the thought of death.

"Huh? What's with the disgusting look on ya face. Of course I will kid. Just like I did to that bitch"

He motions with the scythe to the corpse on the floor with her guts hanging out in a pool of blood and a gash through her face and skull.

"Okay then.. sir..."
I pause putting my hands together like a prayer.
" Please. Sir please kill me"

He turns back around fast enough that he cod have gotten whiplash and starts coughing up spit and gagging as soon as I look up into his eyes.

"EWW FREAK what FUCKTARD shit are you talking about kid"

He swings his scythe at me and I flinch a little, only because of the sudden movement and coldness as its placed on my neck.

"So will you do it?"
I ask softly as I look into his eyes

"Maybe if you get that dull look off your face and smile, cry or SCREAM"
He shouts out the last word

I take a deep breath and purse my lips up as I imitate what I've seen others smile like my lips open a tiny bit.

"Like this?"
I ask still staring at him. My words sounding odd as I speak through lips that are in an unnatural position.

He coughs a little and looks away putting the scythe handle across his shoulders.

"Yuck. Disgusting. I'll kill ya if you get rid of that boring look. Till then make yourself useful and get cleaned up ya look like someone already killed ya"

He walks away dragging and stomping his feet. Mumbling to himself and growling every now and then.

"Come on hurry up bitch"

I look at him with my head tilted to the side.

"Follow me I have running water. You stupid or something?"
He grits his teeth as he says that.

I walk up next to him.
"Thank you. It would be nice to die without all this dirt on my skin"

He scoffs again and walks with long strides making it difficult to catch up to him as I am about half his size.

[[Another chapter done. I hope it is ok. I've tried to follow their characters well. I have decided there will be no tower in this storyline.

Thank you for your support and any criticism is welcome ]]

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