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Keith liked to think he was good at his job. He wrote articles for a magazine, and sometimes took pictures, too.
Today, he had to take a picture of some fireflies. So he left his apartment and walked to the park, his mind set on his goal.

"Ugh." Keith groaned. There weren't any fireflies, but there were plenty of mosquitoes. Keith stayed out there for hours. Eventually, he gave up and decided to go back home. His article wasn't due for a few days. He'd come back tomorrow.

As Keith started walking away, a light flickered in the corner of his eye. A firefly, Keith thought. He snuck up behind it and trapped it in his jar. Perfect! He could send his article in early.

But when Keith looked in the jar, there was no firefly. There was only a tiny, winged man. Keith quickly opened the jar. "Mothman?" He asked.
"Idiot." The fairy said, flying up and slapping Keith's cheek with his tiny hand. "Do I look like a Mothman to you? People are so rude. I exfoliate and moisturize. I shouldn't be mistaken for a moth. Do you know how much money I spend on skincare product? The point is, I'm not a dumb moth. The name's Lance. I'm a natural, beautiful gift to this world."
"So is Mothman. He's my hero."
"Son, I swear, I will grab you by your mullet and drag you into the river."
"Geez," Keith said, hand subconsciously on his hair, "You're a very angry fairy. I'm going, goodbye."
"Excuse me? You're just going to leave?"
"Um.... yes?"
"Fine," The fairy sighed, "But I'm coming with you. Let's go!"

"Wait, what? Why would you come with me?" Keith asked.
"Because I hate living outside in a park. It's the worst. Do you mind if I live with you? Please?"
Keith looked awkwardly from side to side. "Sure."

"It's kinda small," Keith said, opening the door to his apartment.
"Keith, I am three inches tall. I don't mind."
"Oh, right."
"Where will I be sleeping?"
"Um, I guess you could sleep over here." Keith gestured to his nightstand, on which there was a succulent garden. "I can make you a bed out cotton balls and tissues."
"Thanks, Keith. I'd appreciate that."
"And then tomorrow, I can get you some tiny furniture and stuff."
"Thanks, but no. I'll just use your stuff."

Keith got his photo the next night. He sent it in and got paid for it. Then he went to the grocery store to buy some food that wasn't ramen noodles. He had been living off ramen noodles and microwave burritos for a week. He was positive that that burrito he ate this morning didn't contain any actual chicken. He bought food, then he went to the toy section and bought some doll furniture.

Lance was bored. He flew around the apartment a few times, trying to decide what to do. Keith had matches, but Lance wasn't in the mood to light a fire. He had a gas range, but Lance was too small to use the stove knobs. Keith had a lot of plants that Lance could hide in. No, he wasn't in the mood.
"Ugh." Lance threw himself onto Keith's bed, quickly getting lost in the blankets.

"Lance, I'm back. I got you some bubblebath and— Lance, what did you do? How did this happen?"
Keith had walked into a dreadful mess. Lance had gotten stuck in Keith's blanket, and in an effort to shake it off and get free, he flown all around, knocking books off shelves and cups off tables.
"Keith!" Lance called from underneath a blanket on the ground. "Help! I'm stuck!"
Keith walked over and shook out the blanket. Lance tumbled out and looked around. "You live like this?"

Lance sat in his teacup bubblebath, sipping tea from a much smaller teacup.
"Mmm. Where did you find this tiny cup? Did you just have it laying around?"
"I went to a craft store and bought some things for you."
"I told you not to do that."
"I'm my own person, Lance. I do what I want."
"Was that haircut what you wanted? Because that was a bad choice." Lance paused. "You're still freakishly attractive, though. Could you get me more tea? Thanks."
Keith blushed and got up to get Lance more tea. Keith thought about how a quarter of a foot tall man should not be able to fluster him. And yet he did.

"Pidge! He called me attractive! But what if that's just the kind of person he is?" Keith said.
"You sound like a lesbian," Pidge responded, eating her cookie. "Keith, Lance likes you. And you like him. Where is he, by the way? Didn't he come here with you?"
"He's playing with your hamster."
"Is this beastiality?"
"I seriously doubt he's screwing your hamster." Keith said.
"No, I mean you and him. He's a fairy, you're a human. This is the bee movie all over again."
"Dreamworks. Ugh. I mean— agh! It's not weird! I- I'm going home."

Keith got up and walked into Pidge's bedroom to get Lance. What he saw shocked him. Lance was riding the hamster through an elaborate maze of hamster tubes. Lance was cheering and gripping to the hamster for dear life.
Keith cleared his throat. The hamster stopped. Lance looked up. "Oh, Keith. Pidge. Didn't expect you to come back here so soon."

Lance was sitting in his succulent garden. Keith wasn't speaking to him.
"Aw, c'mon, Keith." Lance prompted, "I know you're mad, but we can figure this out. This is the first of many fights."
Keith didn't respond.
"It's rude not to respond, you know."
"It's also rude to build a tube maze and ride a hamster, getting your friend and roommate banned from Pidge's house."
"Oh, yay! We're talking again. Am I your roommate?"
"You don't pay rent."
"I don't have any money."
"I know. So the least you can do is not make me look like a fool for being in love with a fairy."

Lance's ears perked up. "Love? You love me?"
"Lance, I- Is that Pidge's hamster?"
Lance blushed and looked from side to side. He tried to hide the hamster behind his back, but the hamster was larger than Lance, so his attempt did not go well.

Keith woke up to an...... interesting sight. Lance was sitting on Keith's chest, pinned to Keith's pajama shirt by a piece of bread.
"Keith.... Help.... I'm stuck..."
Keith blinked a few times to see if this would make Lance unstuck. But it didn't, so Keith lifted the piece of bread and let Lance crawl out.
"Lance, how did you get yourself stuck under bread?"
"Well, I was trying to be romantic and make you breakfast, but all I know how to make is bread. But I'm also really bad at baking bread, so I just got some store-bought bread and brought it over here to you."
Keith smiled softly. "Thanks, Lance. I'll make us some toast."

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