Coming up RylieC/CupheadM book!

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Rylie is working on a story as I'm typing this chapter. Rylie wanted to restrict me from seeing what she's got so far, because she's afraid I might spill of what's happening in the story-

Because I'm such a good friend :).

Anywho, I know who's gonna be in the story!



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The Kettle Fam! The bottom one was drawn by Rylie herself- I took a pic of it and ran out of her room before she caught me snooping!

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The Kettle Fam! The bottom one was drawn by Rylie herself- I took a pic of it and ran out of her room before she caught me snooping!

Just to be sure: Karla Kettle is Mugman's Mom, Maurice Kettle is his Dad, and Marcilene- his sis. Karla being 26, Maurice being 27, and Marcilene being 15- of and of course, Mugman being 14 in the story.

Here's a peek of how the basic lay out will be like for the story, such as The Title, The Cover, The Tags, and of course The Description... Rylie will probably kill me for spoiling the story, so yee. But as you can see I'm not showing you the chapters she has so far- Why you ask?

So I can live another year, thank you very much~ Enough chit-chat! Here's the preview*Or screen shot, better said*:

So I can live another year, thank you very much~ Enough chit-chat! Here's the preview*Or screen shot, better said*:

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It says:

Title: A Cup's Legend.

Description: The Inkwellions are unaware how dangerous Elder Kettle's grandson is- until Mr. and Mrs. Kettle(Mugman's Parents) meet Cuphead. Everyone in Inkwell find out Cups(The type of creature Cuphead is) are feinds from hell- and are dangerous to be around according to Mr. and Mrs. Kettle(Mugman's Parents).

Mugman is taken from Elder Kettle and Cuphead- and he ends up meeting his long lost Parents and sister.

Tags: +Ryliechalice +Ryliechalice-and-cupheadmccupette


Your welcome~ 

Don't tell Rylie I told you guys about "A Cup's legend"!

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