The Battle Begins

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The bus rumbled as everyone jumped out. People still chatted about where they were landing. Red Nosed Raider thought about her best friend and how she probably won't see her again.

"Okay let's go to Dusty." Said Omega who was part of there team.

"Okay I'm down. " said Snorkel Ops.

Deadfire nodded his approval and Red Nosed Raider smiled nervously.

Omega was the first to jump out, then went Deadfire, Snorkel Ops and Red Nosed Raider.

The wind against Red Nosed Raider's face felt so calming as ironically she was being sent to kill and be killed.

She landed Dusty Diner with Omega and Deadfire landed Divot with Snorkel Ops.

Red Nosed Raider landed on the roof and picked up a gray tactical shotgun. To her left landed Trooper clueless that she was behind him he started to break the floor. She walked up to him and planted the muzzle on the back of his head and before he could react she shot and his head exploded into brains and blood.

"Sorry buddy." She said

Red Nosed Raider broke the ground and landed on the floor in front of three people.

Aim, Dark Voyager, and Zenith. They pulled up there gun and aimed them at Red Nosed Raider's head. Aim was scanning her while Dark Voyager and Zenith both whispered to each other and both nodded.

"Now you killed Trooper which was our teammate." Said Zenith " Quite frankly I hated him and it is no surprise that he got killed. "

"But we still got to kill you." Said Dark Voyager.

"Unless you do us a favor and if you do this we will let you hop skip your cute little Red Nosed Raider bootie out of here got that." Said Zenith crouching down in front of her with his scar muzzle between both of her eyes.

"Piss off pervert." She yelled spitting into his face.

He wiped the spit away and cackled"Big mistake. "

As he aimed his gun at Red Nosed Raider a shot rang out as Dark Voyager fell to the ground his guts all over the floor with a gaping hole in his stomach. Behind him stood Omega with a purple pump. Red Nosed Raider wasted no time she pushed down Zenith and then smashed Aims head in with the You Shouldn't Have.

Red Nosed Raider went back to Zenith to get his gun. Zenith saw here coming and hip fired at her. She felt pain spring up her leg and shoulder, but kept coming slamming him down to the ground grabbing his gun and sticking it in his mouth.

"Did you bite off to much than you can chew!" She pouted with a false frown. Fear filled his eyes and he tried to scream but was cut short. Red Nosed Raider sprayed the gun sending blood everywhere.

Aim wobble up holding his head. Then Omega walked up to him and shot him square in the head. Circuits and metal sprang everywhere as he fell with a thud.

Deadfire walked in with Snorkel Ops on his shoulders bleeding from her arm and leg. He sat her down by Red Nosed Raider as she tended her wounds.

"In fine okay." Said Snorkel Ops

As she stuck a bandage. Deadfire shook his head in disapproval.

"There coming up from Divot, Deadfire managed to kill two of them." She said bandaging her arm and leg up.

"Come on Deadfire let's go get them!" Said Omega cocking his pump.

They both walked outside and then came booming shots and screams. Red Nosed Raider finished bandaging and picked up a green pump trading it for the tactical shotgun. Then she found a blue bolt and picked it up.

Red Nosed Raider ran outside and saw Commando on the ground clutching her leg which was shredded. She wondered what could have done that and then she found out.

A plane kept swooping down shooting people and shredding them up. The plane came back down and drove right into commando shredding her to pieces with its propellers. All that was left was a pool of blood and a mix of bones, flesh, and clothes.

Omega was shooting at it while Deadfire finished off Jungle Scout. The plane came swooping in and spotted Red Nosed Raider. She started running while bullets chased behind her. Then she realized she could not out run it so she started shooting her scar at it, but it kept coming.

The plane charged at Red Nosed Raider and she did what she thought would help. She jumped and grabbed on to the wing. The plane took off into the sky as Red Nosed Raider hung on for dear life. Then she pulled her shotgun out and blasted the pilots head off which just so happened to be Wingman.

Then she took the wheel and dove down to her teammates. The landing was rough and the plane broke in the process, but all was well for the little team.

The team gave  high fives and fist bumps as they continued there adventure that was gonna lead to greatness and great pain.

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