Chapter 18 The Master of The Warewolves

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     "Well well well. A blood thirsty warewolves about to get attacked by a pitiful worthless human.....oh I'm scared!" The warewolve master taunted. "Matt, be carful and don't let him get to you!" Jack said into the head set.

   Matt got ready and fired the blaster at it, but the bullets flew off, and almost hit Matt. "Matt be careful!" Jack said.

"Oh did I forget to mention that my armor is bullet proof?" The master of warewolves laughed. "Matt it's no use!" Jack yelled. "It's armor is made of gold, there must be a way." Matt said.

Matt dashed behind the warewolve, and hid somewhere. "You can run, but you can't hide" it said.

Matt scanned the area. He saw some weapons next to him. "Matt what are those?" Jack asked. Matt looked at the weapons, and saw that one of them, was a lava gun. "This will work" Matt said to himself, also to Jack. "It might, lava and gold do not mix at all." Jack said.

"Oh little human? Where are you? Hahaha!" The warewolve said. "This guy sounds like the joker" Matt said. "Who?" Jack asked. "Never mind" Matt said. Matt sneaked around the master, and hid behind him. "Matt be careful, I don't want to lose you two" Jack said.

Matt got out and went to the warewolve. "Matt what are you doing?!" Jack screamed.

"Hey wolf breath? Looking for me?" Matt called out. The warewolve turned around, then Mark got out the lava gun, and aimed it at the mask. He fired it, and sure enough, the lava melted the gold mask. "You think that can stop me?" The master said. "No" Matt said. Matt got out the quantum disrupter, and fired it at its open face.

"AHHHH!" The warewolve screamed as his atoms were tearing apart. It fell onto the floor. "Good bye bitch" Matt said as he fired two more shots of the quantum disrupter.

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