chapter 1

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legacy's pov

Hi fellow bitches and bitchette's my name is legacy i'm am and 16 year old boy who is curvy like a female and ofc i'm gay i am currently being sent off to this stupid as academy because my homophobic parents well my

homophobic dad found out i was twerking on instagram which is a stupid reason to send me away but hoes will be hoes ive never gotten bad grades but the problem with me is i have no filter i have  cussed out most

of my teacher many times i have told the principle to suck my plump juicy ass and i guess me twerking on instagram was the last straw i also have anger problems which gets me in trouble to but now i'm on my way

to eastwood academy its basically a academy for people who have done some fucked up shit  but who cares atleast i get to keep my phone we pull up to the academyi get all my stuff and hug my crying mom baby i'm

going to miss you she say's crying on my shoulder i'm going to miss you to mom i say i walk up to the door not even giving my father a glance i enter the school and go up to the secretary hi sexy she says trying to flirt she

lowkey look like a whale giving birth hi i'm gay i say as i grab my schedule and my room key aes i say to my self welcome to eastwood academy as i walk to my room

hi kittens i hope you like it toni out

by the way who loves bts i ship them more then i ship myself with them

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