An old friend

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Last time on Love for Blesiv's Baby Pt FINAL BOOK
I ordered a burrito, and began to feel better. But I couldn't help but feel eyes on me. I turn around and see...
Y/n: Carlos???
Carlos: Y/n!!!! *Gives you a hug* How are you
Y/n: I'm hanging in there
Carlos: That's good. How's the baby
Y/n: Adriana. Yeah she's fine being the fact that she's fatherless
Carlos: I'm sorry
Y/n: No I'm sorry that was unnecessary. How is he
Carlos: He's fine. Tomorrow I'm having a party here in L.A. you should come.
Y/n: Maybe, Idk
Carlos: Come on it'll be fun
Y/n: I bet it will but I do have a child
Carlos: Get what's his face to watch her
Y/n: Jesse
Carlos: Yeah him
Y/n: He has a life too. I'll figure something out.
Carlos: Hopefully I'll see you there

He leaves

Carlos thoughts
I wonder if Alex would want to come to a party also..
Carlos: Party. Tomorrow. You in.
Alex: Sure
Carlos: Ayee Da boii
End of thoughts

After I finished my food I went to the mall and wandered around and we t to Victoria Secret. Ever since I gave birth couldn't fit my old underwear. I walked around a bit more then I went back to Jesse's and saw him sleeping on the couch with Adriana laying on him (You had a key). I smiled and put Adriana in the crib. I crawled into his arms a he woke up.

Jesse: Hey your back
Y/n: Yea. How was she
Jesse: Fine, We missed you
Y/n: Me too. I love you

He kisses my fore head and I buried my face in his chest falling asleep like that

Do you think she's gonna end up with Alex or stay with Jesse. I feel writer's block coming on, But I will continue this. Don't forget to FOLLOW VOTE and COMMENT

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