Love Expressions

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Time fourteen colon twenty two, place railway station. I am sitting on a bench, waiting for my train, still there is one hour time left. A boy and a girl above twenty age, perhaps, just arrived at the station and occupied a bench near by me. They can't speak, can't hear. Station is not silent and of-course it should not be, announcements, people, workers,everything is there. The boy stands up and starts shouting on the girl, important thing is that they can understand only signs. "Are you mad?" Girl replies, "No", "No, it seems that you are mad, you are not listening to me!" "Why, why am I not listening to you, what do you want to say?" "I asked you to cook my favorite dish, but see what you cooked!" "That's it, only this is the reason to make you shout on me!" "No, I am not shouting at you, I just wanted to tell you that, I don't like this dish and now I am thinking what I will eat?" "Oh, no problem we will buy something" "But I like your dish, you know that" Words are silent and of-course they were already, but now the expressions of faces have changed. The boy asked again "Where is my cell phone?" "Perhaps it's in the bag, actually it's in the bag" "Oh! so nice of you, you really keep my things securely, you do that, yeah, yeah you do that. You know I wanted to say you something" "What? What do you want to say?" "That....that I love you......" Girl blushes and they both start smiling on each-other.

This is what I got from their soundless-n-voiceless conversation. May be I am right or wrong, it does not matter, what matters most is that 'love is awesome, it does not need anything to express except...... it must be expressed.

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