the one

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"She did W0t?!?" You exclaim, a warm cup of tea clasped tightly in your hand, its contents quickly depleting.

"I know right!!" Felix laughs, his own coffee going cold from all the stories he's been telling you.

Funny how life sucks so bad that you end up with something better?

"Its my last year of college too!" You excitedly explain your major to the boy infront of you.

At the end of the wonderful evening, Felix drove you back home, you exchanged numbers, and couldn't feel happier!

Dear to whom it may concern. I'll love you, I dont know who'll you'll be, all I know is that I'll love you.... hopefull I'll meet you one day.

Dear Felix, thank you for being you, and thank you to everyone who rejected me or otherwise, you've given me the experience to have a healthy relationship with someone who I truly care about. Funny how loves seems to figure itself out huh?


Dear: Someone... hopefully Where stories live. Discover now