Chapter 65

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This chapter is dedicated to all those readers who voted on every single chapter. Thank you so much for consistently encouraging me. Can you believe we got 260K+ reads and 10K+ votes? I can't at all. Thank you again for being so supportive. It truly means a lot.


"WHAT?" Alexa looked at the group bewildered.

At her expressions, Penelope got embarrassed. Her dark skin hid her otherwise blushing cheeks perfectly.

"Oh! Please forgive Penny here. She has a habit to blurt things out when she gets excited." Olivia coughed. Recovering faster than others, she tried to diffuse the sudden awkwardness.

"And believe me that happens quite rarely," Yoshi whispered as if she was telling the biggest secret of her life, but at the same time, earning a nudge from Avanti who was throwing an uneasy smile at Alexa. It appeared to the hybrid girl, that Avanti was kind of reserved while Yoshi was talkative.

"But she is honest. And believe me, she has a very good reason to be excited. Nobody ever saw Riddle giving attention to a girl, so everyone is wondering how did you two get together," Yoshi added again, completely ignoring the nudge like she was used to having them.

Why? Why the hell they couldn't leave her alone? Alexa huffed. She had no idea how to answer their question. How could she answer it when she herself had no idea about how had that happened in the first place. It seemed so long back when the boy had met her in the library. And had she been able to control her irritation with him that day, she could have avoided being chased, manipulated, possessed and claimed by him. She still might have had her solitude and peace. But now did she think about it, could she imagine herself without him? No. Despite how unfair it was, and how painful it was to actually admit it to herself, that annoying git had grown on her. And even if she hadn't figured out what it actually was that she felt for him, she knew the feelings were strong. Stronger than care and more complicated than friendship. The feelings only he aroused inside her - heart and body included - were very unusual. However, she cherished them. Craved them. Desired them. Remembering all their intimate moments, her palms started sweating. Her right hand wanted to trace the outline of her lips that only he had ravished. Her left hand ached to cover the juncture between her neck and shoulder. As if the mark he had left on her when he had given her the kiss of claim was still there. Fresh and prominent. The shivers ran through her body. They were of need. Delight. Pleasure. As if only imagining them was experiencing them all over again.

Getting aroused in the great hall, in front of all the students was not something Alexa wanted to happen in her life. Anyone could imagine the embarrassment and horror that would follow such an incidence if, god forbid, it happened. So, before anyone could see how the hormonal witch was experiencing her fall, she stood up. Gathering all her things clumsily, she muttered,

"Excuse me!"

And that's how her feet carried her to only place she knew had the ability to calm her down. The black lake. Oh, Helga! She had no idea how wrong she was.


Not paying a mind to anything else for once, Alexa dumped her bag on the bank of the lake. She huffed. Her cheeks puffed as she furrowed her brows in irritation. Her lips were frowning in displeasure. The sudden need to kiss that evil snake was pleasing for her body, but the feeling of helplessness that came with it was not something that she wanted to have.

Getting fed up, she lay down. She folded her hands and placed them behind her head to use them as a pillow. Her eyes closed as she took in a long breath. Her chest heaved as she continued her deep breaths.

And that was when Tom entered the picture.

He had no idea what to expect when he came near her. The frown he had seen earlier was slightly shadowed by something close to contentment. Like a stalker, he observed her. With her eyes closed, she was looking relaxed. Her deep breaths glued his attention to her chest. It was rising and falling in rhythm. Tom turned red. Redder than a tomato. He suddenly looked away and closed his eyes. Losing control on something this trivial wasn't something he wanted to have.

He had come near her to tease her. And the thought homed his mind again when he opened those observant eyes and trailed them back to the object of his obsession. There she was. Stretching and relaxing like there was no one but her. A smile formed on those sinfully attractive lips. He was happy to see her relaxed. He liked seeing her happy. Her carefree face looked so ethereal that he almost wanted to not disturb her. ALMOST, because that meant leaving the scene and letting go of the opportunity to embarrass her.  No. That wasn't possible. Tom narrowed his eyes. They were glinting in mischief as he zeroed the distance between them and took a spot next to her. That sly snake! He slithered voicelessly towards his prey. A smirk that had replaced his smile from earlier didn't weaver in the slightest.

"Hey, sweetheart!" He greeted smoothly.

She would recognise that voice anywhere. And, so her reaction was marvellous. She jumped to her feet. The feet that felt like a jelly on having an intrusion from an object of her affection. Her eyes widened as she placed her hand on the left side of her chest to placate her running heart. Her earlier desires and frustrations spiralled through her body when they landed on the Slytherin Prefect. Violet colour of her eyes darkened as she took in his attentively carved features. The perfection of his face didn't allow her to look away. She had no idea what she felt for him was lust, but her body didn't hide it from the boy who was the catalyst for it.

Tom's chocolate eyes darkened when he took in her form. So dishevelled. So clumsy. All because of him. Just his presence had this much of an effect on her. And he certainly marvelled on it. The pride he felt for being the one, the only one (he would make sure of it), to affect her so much inflated his ego. His earlier plan to tease her drowned in the lake beside them as he lost himself in her glowing violet orbs. Those arresting eyes hypnotized him to forget everything except the girl in front of him. Tom always wondered what would it take to keep them for himself. He was after all a wizard with a taste for antiques.

He saw that because of her wig only a single lock of her actual hairs was visible. He noticed how the tips of them turned dark pink. His eyes turned darker as he realised she lusted for him. The feelings were not one-sided after all. The boy might not know what an actual love was, but he was very well accustomed with lust. He had been a victim of many lustful gazes in his sixteen years. The hormonal witches around him were never good enough to hide their emotions. Just like the witch in front of him. However, he found himself loving those expressions on her. In place of disgust that he felt when it came to others, he found himself getting aroused. His body was responding to hers. The chemistry between them was exploding. The sparks resulting from it erupted in the air surrounding them; arresting them. The world paled away as he pulled her to him on an impulse.

His body caged her as his lips crashed on their counterparts without missing another bit.


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