life update [√]

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Don't worry, I'm still alive. But barely.


Okay, so let's talks.....

I know there are many like diabolik lovers fan fiction, that not bad, to be honest i like that DL is getting attention. But the thing is..........

So many of them are either about 'The hidden child' or 'The sakamaki Princess ' this bullshit is getting out of hand. Like yes, i wished the vampires had a sister or brother that is younge or older than them....But their are so many of them, like wtf. And most start the same and end the same...

Then their are crossovers with other anime, like VK or BB...And few of them are mostly about the sister or brother that doesn't know that the sakamaki or mukami ect. Don't know they are related to them....

Fuck. This is getting out of hand. Many author are mad that their books are getting copied without their permission and triggering the community.......

Just stop guys, im not saying stop writing, but stop trying to steal their ideas or even copy them. And if sakamaki/ mukami had a brother or sister, i get it! Like yeah, they fall in love with their sibling or siblings, ect.

I wish i could stop this but, i can't. This is all my unpopular opinion that nobody will care. So yeah......

Have a nice day....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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