Chapter 11: The Rescue

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The next morning I wake up to sun shining through the tiny window. I look over and see Johanna is still here, lying fast asleep. That's odd, usually they would have taken her by now. I look over to Annie's cell and see she is wide awake. "Annie. How long have you been up?" I ask

"A while." She replies quietly. She still seems terrified of me, but not as bad as last night. "Peeta you can choose to believe us or not, but we are telling the truth. You are not the person I see before me. You love Katniss." My brain convulses at the mention of Katniss.

"I believe my memories." I say sharply. Suddenly I feel a cold hand wrap around my own. I look up and see sea green eyes piercing into my soul. "Please try." She whispers.

I shut my eyes and try to remember something, anything good of the mutt, Katniss. But I can't. "I'm sorry, Annie. I can't." I say so quietly it's almost inaudible, but she nods her head, so I guess she hears me.

Suddenly there is a loud clamour of boots outside our cells. We both flick our heads up. We hear people yelling, and wonder what's going on. The lights turn off and we are left in darkness. Annie's hand starts to tremble, but I squeeze it tight. "Annie do you know what's..." But I don't have time to finish before I smell something foul in the air. I try to cover my nose, but the scent it to strong. My head sways and I hit my head in the bars. I feel Annie's hand loosen and then my eye lids start to grow heavy. Just before they completely close I see my door swing open, and someone in a soldiers uniform strides in.


My eyes flutter open. I can feel my body being carried by someone. I look around and see lots of people dressed in uniforms. Grey uniforms. I look to my left and see an unconscious Johanna sprawled out over someone's shoulder. I also see someone else carrying Annie. Out of no where gun shots ring out. My carrier dodges behind a water heater and shields my body. I hear him grunt in pain as a bullet hits his shoulder. After they stop he lifts me up like I'm a small bag. I probably have lost a lot of weight. We keep heading down the dark hallway. Everything is quiet except for the sound of boots hitting cement.

All at once I am blinded by light. The sun. I soak it up, trying to make it last. I haven't been outside in weeks. I see that we have come out on top of what looks to be a jail building in the Capitol. This must be where they were keeping us. But I still don't know who it is that is kidnapping us. At the moment I don't really care. As long as I am far away from the hall of horrors. We board a hovercraft. I am sat down on a chair, and for the first time I get to look at who my captor is. Brown hair, grey eyes. Gale. I can see this is the first time he gets a good look at me to because his face goes white. I peer down at myself and can tell why.

I am skinny, way to skinny. I have burns and cuts on my legs and arms. My skin seems to be sagging, and has turned a sickly color. My wrists are cut and are probably infected, from the chains that held me down during the torture. I look back at Gale. He's bleeding pretty badly in the shoulder. I feel as if I should say something, but I have no words. I point at his shoulder and he nods, as if he is in a trance, trying to figure out what is different about me. A doctor pulls him away and goes to tending his wound.

I look around to see Johanna and Annie slumped across the way from me. I think there must have been sleeping gas in the air, and the effect still hasn't worn off for them. Suddenly a big bulky man block my view from them. "Hello, I'm Boggs" he says.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're in a hovercraft on the way to District 13. We rescued you."

13? That's where Katniss the mutt it. Once we get there I have to find her, and end her. But until then I need to lay it low. I can't tell anyone of my secret. I nod to the man called Boggs and he walks away. People shuffle around and talk quietly. I get up and try to walk over to Annie as I see she has started to wake up. "Peeta, what's going on?" She asks me. "We are being taken to 13." She nods and smiles weakly. Then she lays her head down on my shoulder. I didn't realize how much I have missed human contact. I leanover and pat her head.

Suddenly I see a man with white hair walk down the isle. "Snow." I yell. I lunge at him and start to choke him. People come at me confused. I get a look at his face and realize he isn't Snow. I let go, but then someone grabs me and slams me down on the floor. "What the heck, Peeta?" It's Gale.

"Stop! The man reminded him of Snow." Says Annie. I see a syringe go into her arm, and she goes limp. I start screaming her name. "Stop, stop Annie!!"

Then I feel someone grab my shoulder and I turn around just in time a syringe go into my arm. I feel myself growing faint and I black out.


The next time I wake up in a white room. Doctors grab my arms and check my pulse, they shine lights in my eyes and check my heart rate. Suddenly I see a flash a brown hair from the side of the room. I look over to see an ecstatic Katniss. I push all the doctors aside and start to walk towards her. Her arms outstretch. Ready to hug me, Ready to kill me.

I go towards her. Kill her. Stop. Part of my brain says fighting with the other. SHE KILLED YOUR BABY.

All at once my arms lock around her throat.

Authors note: Well that's it! Thank you so so much for reading. I love and appreciate all of you for taking the time to read this. Please go check out my other Fanfiction "Found Love in A Hopeless Place."

Don't forget to comment and vote. Tell me how you think I did, and what you think I could have improved on. Please don't forget this is my first story written.

Until next time, May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor.

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