Liu pov.

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A long time ago when we defeated ulcus.I felt something weird like it was chains tied up to my arms but I don't really know why and now my sister (Sean) just brought back runningman and with new players and those players are just our family members just like mine Maia she's my lil sis and the others idk I don't really have the mood to say everything although I do get angry at my sister when I see her flirting with my pals and last she just kissed Pala,Pala I tell you,im writing in my journal by the way...(knock,knock)
Me:who is it?!
Maia:it's me big bro do you mind opening the door.?!
Me:Sure just wait for a minute!!!
I hide my journal and open the door..
Me:Do you have a problem?!or are you sick come on tell me lil sis!!
Maia:Liu I'm not sick!I'm just here to talk about stuffs or I don't know
Me:well ok then

Lonky Pov.
I was walking through the halls till I got close to Liu's room suddenly I heard something I went a little bit closer and listen closely..
Liu:so what the "stuff" and "idk" you wanted to talk about again lil sis?!
Maia:well you do know that I am a spy right
Maia:well it's kinda irritating me!!
Liu:really how do you get cheered up?! *Lil Sis* (with a creepy voice)
Maia:well I get cheered up because of my friends and also yours!
Liu:say what!!!give me an example which one of them?!?!!!!
Maia:hmm..just li-like LONKY!! I think his really sweet and charming..!!
My ears suddenly moved and I got hyped and I suddenly blow my cover by jumping infront of them and shouting REALLY!!!!!!
While Maia answered me of course Lonky!!
And then I noticed Liu's face getting red and his eyebrows were frowning
Liu:ILL KILL YOU LONKYYYYY!!!!!! and he pulled out his drill gun and started chasing me!!!!
Me:hey Liu I'm sorry ok I never meant it (crying while shouting)!!!!!
But till 1 hour later I got caught and Liu killed like he was going crazy or something!!
Till Maia came and stopped Liu from almost killing me!!!
But thought I did notice his eyes were red at that moment but I didn't really care so I just shouted at him
As he just frowned at me like his warshocked and went back to his room
Maia:hey Lonky you should probably never do that again cause Liu has hard thought issues .I was shocked and I suddenly screamed
Me:What Liu has issues!!!!!

To be continued.....

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