YSE - Chapter 3

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Annie's POV
I woke up and I rubbed sleep off my eyes then I was gonna kiss Hayden but then I saw that it was Carson... OMFG.... I CHEATED ON HAYDEN??!!!?!?!!!

Annie: Carson... What the hell!! •Shakes him•
Carson: What is it?? •Groaning•
Annie: How can you just fuck me?!
Carson: We were both drunk...And plus... I never asked you to kiss me back!
Annie: You piece of shi-
Carson: I'm sorry.... It won't happen again!
Annie: It already happened! I cheated on Hayden!!!
Carson: Hey... You're the one that pulled away then kissed me again!
Annie: I was drunk!!!
Carson: See... I was drunk too!
Annie: Can't you see you've just caused a problem?!?!
Carson: Let's just keep it between us... It's not you're gonna tell him... You'd be playing dumb!
Annie: First of all there's no "us" and Of course I'm not gonna tell him... I'm afraid of him!
Carson: Why??
Annie: Look... You just met Hayden.... You'll get to know him... Say something wrong and you'll end up being hangman! •Putting on her clothes•
Carson: Clearly you just met me... You don't want to see me being mad! •Putting his clothes on•
Annie: Okay... Look Carson... Just keep quiet about this... I swear if Hayden finds out about this.... My leg is gonna be stuck to your ass!
Carson: Ugh... Please just stop nagging me!
Annie: •Rolls her eyes•

Sound of knocking

Annie: Hide!! •While whispering•
Carson: Okay!
Annie: •Opens the door• Oh... Hey Kenzie!
Kenzie: Hi... I never saw you since you said you're going to the bathroom!
Annie: Oh... Uh... I must've forgotten to come back then I just came back here... But I don't really remember anything...!
Kenzie: Okay... Well... Have you seen Carson... Johnny said the same thing about Carson!
Annie: I don't know! I-I have no idea where he is! •hesitating•
Kenzie: Maybe he went home... Let's go!
Annie: Okay!... Let me just take my phone... I'll meet you downstairs!
Kenzie: Okay! •walks away•
Annie: Carson??
Carson: Huh!??
Annie: Ah!... Ugh!! Go to another room and say you came from there!
Carson: Okay!... Annie??
Annie: Yeah??
Carson: •kisses her on the cheek then walks away•
Annie: •stares at him•

WTF CARSON... I just said I can't cheat on Hayden even though I did but I don't wanna continue... But... I think I like Carson... Ugh OMG.... I gotta fix this.... I haven't asked Maddie... I'm gonna ask when I got Kenzie's house!.... Why me?!?!

Annie: I'm here!
Kenzie: Okay... Let's go!
Annie: Where's Hayden??
Kenzie: He went home early!
Annie: Okay... Let's go!

We got to Johnny's car then he took us to Kenzie's house then he drove away... Then Kenzie and I got inside then she went upstairs she said she's coming back then I saw Maddie in the kitchen them I went to her.

Maddie: Oh... Hey Ann's... How was the party??
Annie: Uh... About that... Can I talk to you about a SERIOUS matter??
Maddie: It sounds like a really serious matter... I'm listening!
Annie: So... Uh... Do you know Carson Lueders??
Maddie: Kenzie has mentioned his name before!
Annie: Yeah... Uh... I think I like him...!
Maddie: Annie... You can't date a person then like another person!
Annie: I know... That's why I need your help!
Maddie: Just tell him you don't like him like that... And that it was a mistake what you guys did!
Annie: Okay...!
Kenzie: Annie... How can you cheat on Hayden?!!!
Annie: Kenzie!.... Uh-
Kenzie: Annie... Don't even explain!
Annie: Please don't tell Hayden?!

CLIFFHANGER.... Sorry I had to... Anyway do that worry I might publish soon.... I said I might... Anyway... Pls don't forget to vote for this chapter... I love ya bhabies💜

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