Chapter 3

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    Autumn's heart stopped; her breathing became jagged and her stomach turned, she was scared but her body was frozen and she couldn't gather the strength to move. Slowly the blue eyes started moving towards her, a wolf exited the underbrush moving slowly into the clearing, but still Autumn didn't move. The beasts coat was a sandy color, slightly resembling that of a coyotes, but its body build and size made it clear that this was no coyote.

    The golden wolf stocked slowly towards her, that's when she noticed it. He was bleeding. It looked as if he had been in a close encounter with a hunter and had been grazed buy a bullet that if any closer would had struck his left shoulder. Autumn stuck out her hand  regretting it as the wolf growled and launched towards her. She braced her self and squeezed her eyes shut waiting to be slammed into the ground but the impact never came, instead there was warmth on her out stretched hand she opened one of her eyes to see the wolf licking her hand, he then nuzzled her hand with his cold nose letting out a small whine as if to say he would not harm her. After a good ten minutes Autumn finally relaxed a little and tried to pet him he didn't hesitate to get closer so that Autumn could reach him better.

    The night had pasted quickly, Autumn woke up to the sun peeking over the trees. It didn't dawn on her where she was until she looked down and saw a sandy colored wolf leaning on her with its head in her lap. She jumped up realizing that she had just slept in the woods with an animal that was almost as big as she was. She panicked, surely her parents went to wake her up only to find out there daughter was missing.

Yo yo yo! It's yo author here! sorry for the short chapter but I didn't want to include the next chapter in with this one because it wouldn't have made sense.

-wuv you

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