Friendzone Bullshit

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You had known Eddie since Elementary School. You both were very close, the kind of close you got from being friends with someone. You both were so close that your parents would allow sleepovers between you both, even when you were in High School. You had a crush on Eddie back in your school days which carried over into your adult life. You could recall Eddie asking you if you were interested in him back during High School. You were at his house, sitting rather close for two friends to sit. He was looking at you differently then he normally did. He looked at you differently then you would look at a friend. "Well," he has spoke, "Are we still just friends?" Eddie leaned in and kissed you. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You looked at Eddie with wide eyes. Eddie placed his hand on your thigh, "Just friends?" You didn't know what to say. You just nodded. You did not want to ruin your amazing friendship, and you believed that Eddie did not want to either. You both suppressed your feelings for the other your entire lives. When he got with Anne Weying you were happy for him. You were happy to see your best friend in love. You would often hangout with Anne and Eddie as friends. You hated that you constantly forced yourself to be around the couple, but Eddie was your friend. He meant the world to you, and his girlfriend was not going to ruin that.

Once again, you tagged along with Eddie and Anne. You went with them to a club, where the two sat as close as you and Eddie had that night in his old bedroom. "So, Y/N," Anne focused her attention on you, "How have you been?" "I've been great, Anne. Job's going good, so that's something." Anne smiled, "That's good." You didn't like Anne. She was often rude to you, but Eddie couldn't notice. You played along with whatever rude game of your emotions she wanted to play that day. She was mean to you, but you moved past it for Eddie. Eddie wanted you and Anne to get along more than anything. You wanted to make Eddie happy so you did. No matter how much shit Anne put you through, you bared through for Eddie. Sometimes, Eddie could sense that she was being rude and he would apologize for her. "I am so sorry, Y/N. I don't know what has gotten into Anne tonight," he would say. That made everything okay.

Then she asked the question that got under your skin, "A special man in your life now?" Anne could tell you had feelings for Eddie, so she would often jab at the fact that you were immortally single. She was passive-aggressive in a way that only other females caught onto. Most the time men would play it off as simple banter between girls, but it was more than that. "No, Anne," you started, "There's no one. You two are the only people I ever hangout with. If you can call it that." You anger was coming out. Eddie looked at you, "You alright, Y/N?" You blew your breath out, "I'm fine, Ed. Don't worry about it." Eddie knew better. Anne leaned over to Eddie, whispering in his ear, "She's jealous because she's gonna be alone forever." Her whisper wasn't subtle. You grabbed your purse and stood up, "I.... I need to go. I'll see you guys some other time. Bye, Eddie." You walked out of the club, frustrated to tears. You heard Eddie mumble a "I am so sorry," as you walked out.

You walked home, pissed at yourself for letting Anne do that to you. You wanted to stay around Eddie, but your self-esteem was worth more than that. You did not want to lose him, but his significant other hated you, which you could not change. You arrived at home, crying with anger. You threw your purse and key onto the counter and laid on the couch. You screamed into a pillow. You rolled over as your tears streamed down your face. Thoughts of how much you hated yourself filled your mind. You thought about all the good times you had with Eddie in the past. You thought about the kiss. You thought about your feelings. You could not stop thinking about everything. You laid there until you dozed off.

You woke up to loud knocking on your door. You walked over to the door and opened it. It was Eddie. He looked sweaty and unsure of where he was. You addressed him, "Ed?" "Hi," he smiled, "C-Can I come in?" You moved out of the door way, letting him come inside. "S-So," Eddie stuttered, "I-I-I have this... this um thing inside me. It told me that... that you were jealous of Annie? It told me that I needed to come talk to you." Your cheeks turned red with your embarrassment, "I-I-I-I do-don't know what y-you are talking a-about, Eddie. And what's this about something in-inside you?" Eddie was sweating, "His name is Venom. Yes, the thing on the news. Yes, that's me, but that's not why I am here." You were surprised to here that Eddie was hiding something this big from you, but that wasn't what was important now. "So," you avoided the fact that your best friend was a blood-thirsty parasite, "W-why are you here?" Eddie looked at you. He took your hands in his, "Do you have feelings for me?" You blushed, "O-Of course, I do! You're my best friend, how could I not care about you." Eddie's eyebrows furrowed, "That was not what I asked. Fine, I'll change what I asked: Do you have romantic feelings for me?" You could not make eye contact with Eddie, you were too embarrassed. "Wh-why does it matter? You're with Anne, why would it matter even if I did? Not saying that I do," you whispered. Eddie squeezed your hands, "Just tell me." Your eyes shot up to Eddie's. He looked so handsome. "OF COURSE I DO," you admitted, "I couldn't just tell you, Eddie. We're friends. Friends are not supposed to have romantic thoughts about each other." Eddie held your cheek in his hand, "But... what if I told you I felt the same way?" Your heart began pounding, "B-but... what about Anne?" Eddie's lips inched closer to yours, "I... I already left Annie. After how she treated you earlier, I could not stay with someone like that. I have had feelings for you since we were young enough to be playing on a playground. I loved you then, and I love you now. You have to believe me when I tell you, what we have is real." Your lips met and it was like magic. Eddie pulled your body close to his, holding you in all the right places.

"Told you so," a voice broke your magic. You took a step back from Eddie. A black goo creature was coming out of Eddie's back, it smiled at you. "Y/N, this is Venom. He's... the whole reason I am here," Eddie smiled. "I could smell your jealousy. It was kinda comical actually," Venom spoke with a bit of a chuckle. Eddie rolled his eyes at the monster, "Let us be alone. You can get to know her later." Venom groaned as he retreated back to Eddie. Eddie walked back closer to you, pulling your body close to his again. He bit his lip, "Now then, where were we?"

You and Eddie spent the rest of the night together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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