Making Plans

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 As the sharpshooter, wraith, runaway, heartrender, and dirtyhands looked at the clock's hand and at each other, a very real sense of dread sank into their stomachs like a stone. How much would this be like the last time? How close would they come to death again? And how much would they lose? The questions hung in the air almost like a cloud—one so thick that it would choke them.

Inej looked at the uneasy glances on her comrades's faces—well on everyone's but Kaz, the boy who revealed nothing. She couldn't help but notice how similar the hand on the clock looked like an arrow, almost taunting her. What had she said once? The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true. But that had been before she'd ended up on this forsaken island, her crew gone along with her ship. And here she was yet again far from her parents and Ravka, uncertain and doubtful. The dregs were at her side, but if they were to play this game, would they stay united? Or would Legend's scheming drive a wedge between them?

Inej snuck a glance at Kaz, the wheels in his head were already turning, formulating a plan. She hoped he didn't mean for them to actually play. She hoped he'd say that he had a way off the island. She hoped he'd look at her again. She hoped for a lot of things.

She glanced then at Nina. Despite the casual posture she had, Inej could sense her tension. They'd kept in touch even after everything happened. They'd wrote to each other and visited as well. Her own parents loved Nina and had welcomed her easy manner and raucous laughter. Jesper was sitting on the floor, long legs spread out in front of him. They had also kept in touch and she'd laughed with joy when she got the news that Wylan had proposed to him. She'd made a special visit to Ketterdam after that, and caught up with the whole gang. Wylan was running his thumb over the ring on his finger, like he was trying to comfort himself with his memories. Inej had made numerous visits to Ketterdam and Ravka in the years she'd left, but still she felt more at home in the open sea on her ship than anywhere she'd gone.

Kaz's rough voice sounded in the deafening silence in the room and broke Inej free of her thoughts. "I may have a plan. But Jesper, do you have your revolvers?"

Jesper patted the signature guns that hung from his waist. "Right here."

"Wylan, I'm guessing you don't have a travel-size chemistry set on you."

Wylan shook his head. "There might be things I can use around here, but I don't have anything on me right now."

"Inej," Kaz spoke, looking at the crow's head of his cane instead of her. "Do you have your knives? Slippers?"

"Slippers yes. Knives no." The lack of her knives was still weighing on her, they gave her comfort, stability, and reassurance.

"Something tells me that Legend is playing to our strengths, testing us out to see what we're made of. I don't think he'd leave Wylan without his supplies or the Wraith without her blades."

Nina sighed. "Who even is this 'Legend'? What does he want with us?"

"That I don't know yet, but I intend to find out," Kaz rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. "Okay then, Nina and Inej will search for Inej's knives. I want Wylan and Jesper to go find something useful."

"And what will you be doing then, Mr. Brekker?" Nina asked sarcastically.

"I will be following up on the first clue. We'll meet here in two hours," Kaz replied, face expressionless as usual.

Nina rolled her eyes but didn't argue at his tone. She stood from the chair and turned to Inej, offering her arm. Inej smiled and took it, trying to ignore the uncertainty roiling in her stomach.

As they were all leaving the room Inej let her lips tilt upwards again, speaking the familiar words. "No mourners"

The rest of them replied in unison. "No funerals."


Hey guys! So sorry for the short chapter and late update, but I have had a lot on my plate for the past few days. A longer chapter will be up soon because winter break will be starting! And I love all the comments you guys leave, so keep on giving me feedback and telling me stuff :)

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