Chapter 1: Happy Seventeenth.

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The wind whipping at my arms and neck the helmet and goggles blocking the wind from touching my face and hair, the dirt flying around me in all directions. Oh, how I've missed this feeling it has been six months since I went dirt bike riding last. "Prim, Amellia, Conan, come on it is time you got ready for the party!" yelled Dad.

"Coming, we just need to put the bikes away." I yelled back. Dad had planned a seventeenth birthday party for Amellia and me, the only problem with dad planning the party without our help as he had invited the whole year group to the party and Amellia and I were expected to wear dresses. We put the bikes away and went inside to get changed into our outfits,

Dad had let us pick out our own dresses yesterday I bought a galaxy dress that went up to my knees (the shortest length dad would let me buy) and Amellia bought a dress that went to her ankles that looked like it was on fire.

Amellia was short with eyes as green as new tree leaves, short straight brown hair, almost paper white skin and light pink lips. Where as I was tall with long wavy black hair, the deep blue eyes, skin almost as white as paper and light pink lips, one of the only things me and my sister have in common. Amellia and I were different from the rest of our family, we were the first twins in over 100 years born into our family.

 But there were other things that set us apart from the rest of the family but, our family could never place the strange happenings, like when we were six Amellia fell out of a tree but she was never hurt the air around her had become like a pillow cushioned her fall and I could talk to the dogs and listen to what they had to say back, I could understand everything they were saying.

"Prim, Prim where are you?" called Bernie my younger brother. Birnie was only four but had the vocabulary of an eight-year-old.

"I'm in my room getting changed for the party." I called back "where are you? Are you ready for the party?"

"I'm in the lounge room waiting for you to get me ready." he said in the cutest voice ever.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute!" I said throughout the laughter, he wouldn't let dad get him ready it always had to be either me or Amellia who got him ready. Bernie was a spitting image of dad when he was younger.

Dad had decided that Bernie was to wear a tux and Bernie didn't like it one bit. He fought me while I tried to get him into the tux but eventually he gave up fighting when I told him that he would look good like me when we were done and that I would give him a lolly if he behaved while I dressed him. Our mother died shortly after Bernie was born so it was up to Amellia and me to become like mothers to him he loved us very much and we loved him the same way.

"You look amazing" I heard Amellia's voice from behind me

"You're the one who looks amazing" I replied

"I think Bernie out does us both." said Amellia

"All three of you look amazing." said dad, who was now standing in the doorway. "Are you all ready to go?"

"Not yet dad we still need to put our shoes on." replied Amellia, she had a pair of red flats that matched her dress Bernie had a pair of leather shoes and I had a pair of galaxy coloured gladiator sandals with ribbon laces that went up to my knees. Soon we all had our shoes on and were ready to go.


When we got out of the car the music was loud and some of the people were already there waiting for us to go in. When we went in Amellia and I were wished happy birthday like fifty times before we found our friends. Jock and Clyde were waiting for us at the food table where they were 'testing' every piece of food. They both come from Scottish families, Jock was tall with short blond hair and Clyde was tall with short red hair, we have all know each other since kindergarten. "Happy Birthday you two!" they both said in unison.

"Thanks, boys" I replied for Amellia and me.

"Let's go and dance!" called Amellia from behind me on the dance floor.

We danced for about an hour before getting tired and needing a rest. When we sat down and started to talk when Arelen came over and started to pick on Amellia and me because we were the only girls in our year who didn't have a boyfriend and Arelen liked Amellia, but when he asked her out she always rejected him. Arelen was the year group jerk he was always picking on someone and tonight I'd had enough.

From nowhere I let out a deep growl he looked terrified at me and stepped back when I spoke again. "Leave us alone jerk just because we aren't like the other girls in our year doesn't mean you have the right to pick on us all the time. Next time you pick on either Amellia or me I will rip out your throat. Understand?" he nodded and left in a hurry.

"What was that Prim? And where did that growl come from?" Asked Amellia with a shocked look on her face.

"I don't know. It came out of nowhere. But Arelen deserved it." I replied

" that growl sounded as if it had come from a true angry wolf! And I agree with Prim he deserved it, but will you really rip out his throat if he picks on you or Amellia again?" exclaimed Jock.

"Probably not rip his throat out but punch him. And if I do finally get sick of him I will take a short walk with him and he will mysteriously get lost and never come back" I said in a jokingly tone.

"That was soooo cool," cried Clyde, only just catching on to the conversation "do it again, do it again."

"Na mabey later Clyde. Let's go dance." I said as I grabbed Amellia's arm and dragged her onto the dance floor. We kept dancing till dad said it was time we left and got home. We said our goodbyes and left knowing we would probably see everyone tomorrow at school. 

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