Chapter 2: First Days Suck

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"Get up lazy bones!!'' yelled Amellia "we have to get ready for school you have slept in long enough."

"Ahh let me sleep."I said as I rolled over to face Amellia and the door.

"DAD!!!!! SHE WON'T GET UP!!!!" screamed Amellia

Dad came into the bedroom and poked me till I got up Amellia was very pleased that she finally won and I was out of bed and getting ready for the first day back at school.

This year would be different because it was my first day as a senior and the uniform sucked it was a pitch black dress with a purple and blue blazer that we had to wear all the time. For our sports uniform, we had to wear a blue and black cheerleader dress, if you were court wearing your sports uniform and you weren't in a sports class you were put on detention.

To make matters worse we were now separated into boys classes and girls classes, But amellia and I were put into two boys classes because we were the only two girls to pick those classes. I got up and soon was ready for school, dad said he would drive us into the school today and pick us up.


I went to my locker to pick up my books for the first two periods, Agriculture and Math. I shut my light grey locker and headed towards Amellia's locker to find Jock, Clyde and Amellia waiting for me. We all had first class together but on our way to class we bumped into Arelen.

"Hey beautifuls." he said to Amellia and I as he blocked our path so we could no longer walk to class.

"I thought I told you to not pick on Amellia and I ever again last night." I said in a matter of fact tone. He just waved his hand dismissing what I just said, he turned to Amellia and was about to do something stupid when I punched him in the face. He looked shocked and walked away pouting.

"I meant what I said last night!" I yelled after him.

"He'll be back before the day is out," said Amellia whilst rolling her eyes. We headed off to class and found Jock and Clyde waiting at the classroom door for me and Amellia to enter. We sat down in the seats we sat in last year: Amellia to my right, Jock and Clyde to my left. We started to talk about what Arelen did on our way to class when Mrs Redlin our teacher walked in.

"Hello, class I'm Mrs Redlin you Agriculture teacher. That being said if you didn't take Ag as a subject I suggest you leave immediately and go and find the class you're meant to be in." Mrs said sweetly. Only one person got up and apologised to Mrs for being in the wrong class and left. Last year almost half of all the students that were in our class weren't in the right classroom.

"Nice to see you two again, Prim and Amellia." said Mrs Redlin said as she walked past our table.

"Nice to see you too Mrs Redlin." Amellia replied

"I can't wait to start the lesson what are we doing today?" I asked.

"We are going to be learning about sheep today." Mrs Redlin. We turned to the boys who must have been feeling missed out from the look on their faces. Just as we were about to tell them Mrs must have accidentally Mrs them Mrs Redlin came back to our desk

"Oh, I'm so sorry boys for missing yous!" Mrs Redlin exclaimed.

"How could you miss two of your most favourite students!" Clyde said in a jokingly tone and held his hand to his chest as if to take offence. Jock soon followed suit and Mrs Redlin just burst out laughing.


When the bell rang Mrs dismissed the class and Amellia, Jock, Clyde and I stayed behind to help Mrs clean up the classroom. Some of the boys spent the whole class tossing paper all over the room.

"Thank you guys, but you should be heading off to your next classes now, I can handle the rest from here." Said Mrs Redlin

"Our pleasure to help you Mrs." I said in response for all of us.

"What class do you boys have now?" Amellia asked, as if reading my mind.

"We have maths." Stated Clyde in one of the most dispirited tones.

" What do you guys have?" asked Jock.

"We have Math please kill us now." I said for both Amellia and I.

"We will we you at recess." Amellia said as we started to walk away.

"Have fun in Math girls." Clyde called over his shoulder as the boys rounded the corner. Why do the boys have to be such jerks, I thought to myself and as reading my mind Amellia said "why do the boys have to be such jerks?"

"I have no idea." I replied. "Come on we need to get to Math before we are late." so we set off in the direction of our Math class.

"Ugh, why did they have to split us up into all boys and all girls classes all the girls are so rude and just talk about random sugar honey ice tea!" Amellia said out of the blue.

"You're telling me, sis. I think I'm going to die during this class." I replied as we rounded the corner to our Math class.

We walked into the classroom and took two seats in the back of the room away from all of the other girls. About five minutes later Mr. Pyrah walked into the class. Thank god it was a teacher we knew.

"Hello, class I'm Mr. Pryah please take your seats and take out your textbooks and workbooks. Turn your textbooks to page 130 and do the questions on that page. You should know all the answers as they are all revision from last year." sir stated.

I looked at the questions on the page and set to work on them. Amellia breezed through the questions while all the other girls were struggling to do the first one. I put my hand up to ask sir what to do next when the girl in front of me burst into tears.

I got up from my seat and went to her to see what had happened. I turned around to find my sister standing over me looking puzzled.

"What's wrong Jenicer?" I asked, worry laced all of my words I was trying to go through everything that could have been wrong when she burst out screaming in pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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