Is It Easier To Run?

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  The sight of a giant T-shaped building greeted him as he stood leaning on the ledge of the railing. "Seriously, who the fuck builds a T?" The man thought as the salty ocean breeze blowing his shoulder length black hair into his face. Moving the stray hairs out of the way, he turned and walked along the ship's walkway heading toward his room, the sound of his walking stick making the occasional thunking sound as he took each step. The journey had lasted him a good two to three weeks from his home town of O'okala. The town was always his paradise, the island was always his escape away from his problems........

"I'm definitely gonna miss my home....." His thoughts gathering back to his homeland as he entered thru the door, leading to his small room. A hammock, a barrel with a backpack on top, a lantern and a mirror was all that was in this tiny room. It didn't take him long to gather his things and make the room as clean as it would be. Looking at the mirror in the room one final time, he checked over himself to make sure he was looking Ok. His gray long sleeved shirt, a bit faded and worn, felt to him like smooth cotton in a way. His black Phat pants, a gift from his friend given on his last trip to a "rave" or so his friend had called it, had tell tale signs that it was by far his favorite and only pair of pants. She had refused at first for the fact that he had continuously asked her for a pair of them. It was her that had actually opened his eyes to what the world had to offer and gave him the push.

He subconsciously grazed his finger along the silver chain around his neck. the pendant hung down by his chest. He couldn't understand what it was, for he had no idea what to make of it. "Such weird gifts you have given me, Mira....You can be sure I won't lose them......ever." He left the room with the backpack in hand, heading back to the same spot by the railing. The same scenery greeted him as his thoughts set on his new location.

"Jump City, California.........The fuck didn't I choose L.A.?"

The ship ports and that nagging feeling irks the back of his neck.......His senses telling him things are gonna get interesting........

"Still, who the fuck builds a T-shaped building here?"


The park sat in disarray as the over sized golem of filth floundered about. A huge mass of disgusting filth and gunk in anybodies eyes, but Plasmus didn't see it that way. All that he saw was hunger in the most toxic and foul. The very waste oozing off of his body poisoned the very area around him. A lone bolt of energy came flying across and landed on the Plasmus' right shoulder and blew it right to bits and pieces.


The massive creature turned to the assailant and was instead greeted by a group of five. All looked onward as the creature regenerated the damaged limb as if rewinding time on it.

"Don't you ever learn, Plasmus? Do we have to knock your brains clean?" One of them spoke with authority and cockiness. The fearless leader of the group Robin stood up to survey the situation.

"TITANS!!!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The group dispersed and charged into the fray, a mass of organized confusion. Robin pulling out his telescopic staff to repel the waste shot out by Plasmus. A green blur passed to his right, Beast Boy took off to the air via red tailed hawk to scout out the area for any innocent bystanders within the area to guide to safety. The dark sorceress Raven began meditating to charge up her powers, readying herself to deliver the final blow to the disgusting monster. A huge mass flew above Plasmus, laying down green energy bolts and blue sonic shots. The alien princess Starfire carrying her comrade and friend, Cyborg. Both laying cover fire upon the huge fiend.

Born AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora