Project Merlin

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(A/N: This is from Phoenix Chaucer's POV. It explains certain things like how she got her powers and other stuff.)

     I am a Telepath. I am also a Shapeshifter. And a Conjurer. Sometimes I use my Pyrokinesis, but not usually because it's dangerous and I can control it. I am a Vanisher. I am a superhuman. The thing is, I can't control it. I have seen people who think they can stop any natural disaster or any supervillain. They're wrong. They can't stop everything. Someday, they will die. And I will be the one who stands up to take their place. I lived my life with the humans, knowing I was destined for something greater. And then I found out. I am an elf.

On my fifth birthday, I wished to become a lion. I closed my eyes and blew out my birthday candles. Everything felt different for some reason. When I opened my eyes, everybody screamed and ran away. I remembered thinking that there was something wrong with me, and I was right. Wherever I went, I scared everyone away. Finally I looked at my hands. They weren't hands, they were paws. Paws! I was a lion! I got so scared, but somehow, I turned back into a human. Since that day, I couldn't help but feel like something inside me had changed. For better or worse? I didn't know. All I can say is, everything changed after that.

On my tenth birthday, I wished for a cell phone. I blew out my birthday candles. Somehow, I knew I would get a cell phone that day. When I got a two-hundred-dollar gift card to a clothing store, I couldn't help but feel weird inside for some reason. I went up to my room later that day, wishing I had a cell phone. Earlier that week, I had read a book where someone snapped and conjured something into their hands. So I tried it. And it worked. I had a brand new cell phone. It wasn't the newest one, but I was fine with that.

On my twelfth birthday, I had a stupid crush on a popular kid from school. I wanted to know if he liked me. When I blew out my birthday candles, I wished to know what he was thinking. I definitely got my wish. The next day at school, I remembered my wish and heard his thoughts. But not just his, I also heard everyone else's thoughts. They were loud, piercing my brain with every word. I learned to block it out eventually, but when I can't, I get a piercing migraine.

On my fifteenth birthday, I wished I was invisible. People were making fun of me for my past of unimaginable things. All I wanted was for people not to notice me. I was talking to my friend while standing next to my locker and, all of the sudden, she couldn't see me. I looked down at my hands but I couldn't see them. I rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, but I couldn't see my reflection. When I finally could see myself again, I vowed to never use the power. Of course, now I use it. Invisibility can be very useful.

When I turned eighteen, I went to my family's log cabin for my birthday. Just me. My family didn't I curled up on the bed, wishing it was warmer. Suddenly, it was bright and very, very warm. The bed was on fire! Somehow, I'd set it on fire. I was on fire, too. I learned it was a power called Pyrokinesis. Somehow, I learned to control it. But not before learning to call down an unstoppable fire called Everblaze from a distant star. It burned me and, when I lost control, I burned everything until the fire control department (who I later found out were elves) put it out with a special chemical (Frissyn, of course).

(A/N: This chapter is 651 words, minus this author's note.) 

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