Chater Two- the finding of Lionstar

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"They're beautiful, Dovewing." The she-cat smiles down at her kits, and gives each one an affectionate lick on the head. Onestream  backs out of the warm and mily den, into the harsh coldness of the camp. She sees the three other warriors that she'd be going on patrol with.

The four pad out of camp, "ShadowClan border patrol, right?" Shatteredpaw nodded, and sprinted ahead of the rest. "Where are you going, Shatteredpaw? If you believe..." The voice of Seedwhisker trailed of, as they came upon a dead rabbit, with a bite to the neck. "Who.. Would leave such precious prey in times like this?" Mousewhiskers question rang with irritation. Onestream sniffed the rabbit, and instantly smelled Lionstar. Following his scent trail, she gazed at the massive orange body, splattered with blood. "Lionstar!" She screeches, but the lifeless body just lay motionless in the red snow.

"Sol." A deep stern mew sounds from behind Shatteredpaw and Onestream. There stood a striped warrior, known as Bumblestripe. The tom looked unharmed as he padded towards the dead leader. A gust of wind ruffed the fur of the five cats as four of them stood in morn and awe. "That that stupid poisoned rat!" She spat, forgetting that an apprentice was next to her. Bumblestripe shot her a glare, and retraced his steps back to camp. "I'll talk to Sunspot." He said and dashed off.

After taking one long look at Lionstars body, she followed her half-sisters mate back to camp. Fresh snow started to fall onto the trees, bushes and cats of ThunderClan. A familiar scent drifted to Onestream, and she dropped into a hunting crouch. Looking hopefully up a all leafless tree, she spotted the bushy-tail prey nibbling on a nut. Placing one paw on the flaky bark, the predictor started to climb. The wind grew stronger and stronger as she got higher and higher

Once the she-cat had climbed to the branch that the squirrel was on, she got in anther hunting crouch. The tips of her belly fur was touching the tree. Onestream slowly approached the prey, and when it looked up, she pounced. The brown animal lost its nut, and was pinned under a white paw. A thick line of blood dribbled from were her claws were, and the prey went limp.


Onestream padded down into camp, and set her fresh-kill in the pile. Grabbing a brown mouse, she looked up, a tabby apprentice stood I front of her. "Hey, I-I heard about Lionstar... Sunspot hasn't come out of her den sense Bumblestripe stood her. She needs to pick a deputy soon, it's sundown and the Gathering is tonight," Whitepaw added. Onestream nodded.

Out of the corner of her eye, she can see a white warrior. "Sunspot coming out," Icewing mewed to them. Behind the she-cat, a small yellow warrior padded out. She looked a little weak, but much older and wiser than before. The four she-cats went towards the high-ledge, one of them climbing on it. "All cats of ThunderClan, please gather below High-Ledge for a Clan meeting.

Cats of all ages and sizes poured out of their warm dens and below the ledge for the meeting. Dovewing looked hurt, in the heart and sat next to Bumblestripe and I. "Shatteredpaw, Seedwhisker, Onestream and Mousewhisker all found Lionstar on the border of ShadowClan. He was dead with the scent of Sol all over him. I will travel to the Moonpool tonight after the Gathering. I hope StarClan will agree with my decision for a deputy. Our new deputy shall be Dovewing." Everyone looks at the grey queen.

"But she has kits!" Onestream can't help but blurt out. Everyone else says the same and turns back at Sunspot. "A fox has stolen all three. I'm sorry for that, Dovewing," a wave of sympathy washes on me, as cover her in licks. All the other elders, apprentices and warriors come to congratulate her. The setting sun reflected off of her pelt, and she looked more beautiful than ever. "Along with that celebration, Shatteredpaw, step up."

The grey apprentice looks pleased and pads up to Sunspot. "Bumblestripe has trained you well, I I'm for one and happy at your fighting skills, loyalty and hunting abilities. I hope StarClan will agree with my decision, Shatteredpaw, you shall now be know as Shatteredrain!" A broad smile appears on the young warriors face as he hops down. Onestream is past tired as she pads to a bush were the warriors sleep.

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