A lone figure

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It was a cool night in the dead forest a mist had drifted through clinging to the trees like the leaves which had long fallen away and upon the back of a horse sat a lone figure a lantern resting heavily on his belt, providing little light through the deep and heavy mist. this man calmly traveled through the dead trees the full moon shining above barely visible through the trees and mist heavy in the night all around him noises were heard from scampering of feet and slithering of snakes. yet the man rode calmly through the forest his face stoic to the dangers laying beyond his lanterns light his horse protested but abide by his master's orders. the night seemed to last for days in this wicked place filled to the brim with magic and fear. but alas the figure rode the scampering died down and was replaced with the stomping of a rather large being. it stood in front of the figure's path, illuminated by both the now dim lantern and full moon high in the sky. from the outline of its figure it was eight feet tall with horns and legs turned backwards along with a large bull-like snout the figure could easily tell this was an eliminator, or also known by many a cursed minotaur who roamed these woods in search of the flesh of man to satisfy its unquenchable hunger and thirst. his horse reared and backed up nervously but unphased the figure calmly got down calming his steed before walking closer to the hulking monstrosity now able to see the massive war hammer it carried. The hammer was ten feet tall and had a large spiked head of a giant cyclops tusk on the trunk of a small tree. the figure now stood unsheathing his inky black sword which seemed to swirl and absorb what little light there was making the blade seem even darker the longer it stood apart from its sheath. the eliminator roared and charged the figure ready to gore him with its horns. the figure as quick as lightning jumped up landing on the handle of the beasts massive weapon which it held in front of it as it charged with one swift movement the figure cleaved the beasts head clean off and mounted his horse continuing on his path through the dead forest. The scampering and slithering sound once again shot up from the underbrush just out of sight. This time also accompanied by the sound of branches snapping and shaking of tree branches from overhead. The man looks up to survey his surroundings and staying wary of any threats to him. Which despite his calm demeanor there were many all around him just most seemed scared especially after the encounter with the eliminator. But based on the unknown stalker in the trees it had also caught the attention of something potentially much worse. With this new thought, the lone figure sighed but continued evermore deeper into the forest. He doesn't know quite why he came here or what his end goal was he just knew from a dream he had a few nights ago that he had to be here. Many say curiosity killed the cat, yet despite warnings from other adventures this place was not to be taken lightly. Yet most of the adventures based this on the goblins, snakes, wolves, werewolves, ogres,Cyclops, hobgoblins, and eliminators the last of which most say are the worse and they had trouble killing it due to its quick reflexes and skill with its hammer. All this remained to be unseen to Ehiza but to be fair the eliminator also didn't have time to react and might have been gauging his skill beforehand which brought it to its downfall. Ehiza had never been known to underestimate an enemy no matter what it was this was no different to him.
Ehiza entered a clearing and the mist seemed to disperse from the clearing there were three different paths leading all in different direction the mist appearing at where the paths start again. "I knew this damn mist wasn't natural" he said to himself his deep voice filling the air around him. Which brought his attention to the silence no animals or monsters. Considering the larger paths and how no one had mentioned this he figured he's the only one who made it this deep. As he dismounted and walked forward trying to choose his next move. Something spooked his horse and it reared up running off down the way he had came. "Glad i took my bag with me." Ehiza says with a disgruntled sigh. Turning back to the diverging paths he saw two figures enter the clearing from the middle path. They entered the clearing and with the shinning of the full moon Ehiza got a rather good look at them. He had never seen a beast that looked like this they were on all fours and stood about six feet off the ground with purplish scaly skin, and freakishly long arms tipped with three long fingers and long serrated claws the length of a dagger blade. The worst part was their faces or lack thereof they had huge gaping circular jaws hooked teeth lined along the edges and continued down into the throat like that of a leech, they had five bright pink tentacles extending from their mouths they were also covered with barbs as if they were meant to wrap around a victim and hook into their flesh as they're dragged into that things open mouth. The creatures moved quickly and silently just like the things in the trees earlier. "Stalkers are a good name for you guys." Ehiza says drawing his blade and holding it at the ready. The beasts charged at him roaring as he barely dodged one of their claws. Just as he thought he was in the clear he felt what seemed to be a rope slide around his ankle. He was caught by the tentacles from the mouth of the other monster. He could feel it release the barbs and felt them cut into his flesh finding one of the gaps in his armor.

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⏰ Huling update: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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