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                                Peter POV

I felt myself dying the whole team was there and Mr Stark and Bucky where sobbing I called Bucky over "You protected me when I thought there was no hope I owe you thank you Bucky I can never make it up to you" "Pete please hang on" tears where forming in his eyes he felt guilty I could tell that's why I made a video last night without them knowing I knew this was gonna happen it explains a lot but I need to talk to Tony " I'm sorry please don't feel guilty or stress out or blame yourself I love you Dad" he backed away sobbing into Pepper and Pepper sobbing into him. Before I go I need to say one last thing "Thank you guys for protecting me I love you all so much and make sure you look in my bottom drawer of my desk" the light started to form around my eyes " I love you guys" "PETER NO DONT LEAVE NOT YET I NEED YOU" I smiled and let the warm light take me as all the people I loved where around me and in that moment I felt better I knew what was happening and I was ready to go. Goodbye Dad.

Spiderman, Bucky and Mr.StarkWhere stories live. Discover now