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.+ 3 things that upset you
When I see someone get bullied

When one of my friends is sad
(including my babies in here)

Idk hahah I fergot what makes me sad

When my family fergets my birthday. Like last year

+.Favourite group

+.3 things that make me happy
Watching a good movie

My friends in here They make me feel loved

Good food maybe a chocolate cake or somthing lol

+.Someone you love
Nakamoto Yuta
Na Jaemin

+.Favourite holiday
Idk I love Christmas but I only celebrated it once not with my family cause they don't celebrate it since they aren't Christian

+.Things that annoy me
My mum's moodiness
My math teacher
Cocky ass bitches

+.Favourite animals
Cats and dogs

I have one cat her name is Vodka

+.Something constantly on your mind
'I suck at writing'

+.Three habits you have
Licking my lips

Talking with my self and thinking out loud

Cursing hahah
I got rid of it and I spent more than a year without saying any curse word But now I'm back to it (-3-#)

+.Your future goal
Go work and live in korea

+.Favourite food
Idk I love really spicy food
And things that a loooot of cheese in it
But my heart belongs to sweet food

+.What did you do yesterday
Write the first chapter of this shit lmaof


+.Ideal perfect date
Staying at home and cuddling while watching a movie
Or going on a picnic

+.Number of kids you want
Only one
I'm not a fan of kids (yeah I said it. Fight me )


I think no one is intrested .
I regret doing this lmaof
Anyway like I said if there is anything you want to know about me, comment here.
Yours 'Cycy☆

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